It’s almost like you’re the dumbest person working at Gawker.
It’s almost like you’re the dumbest person working at Gawker.
They use Ion engines, which are very fuel efficient and don’t require large amounts of propellant, but do require large amounts of energy. Hence the panels. They’re basically accelerating small amounts of matter very fast. Now, in real life, Ion engines have very poor thrust/weight ratio, but make it up by being very…
Wrong, they are called TIE fighters because they look like bow ties.
You think that’s bad? Try being the one responsible for designing exhaust ports.
That’s some excellent reporting Jason.
Yeah but pre-twenty years ago he was a titan in comedy. I don’t think the last twenty negate that when it comes to an award like this, which celebrates his cumulative impact. (It would for other things.)
Don’t feel bad. A lot of his stand up was “pre having children” days. He hasn’t been funny (IMO) because the root of his comedy was kinda nasty. With 5 children its kinda hard to be that guy. That said, his kids are probaby old enough that he can explore his next chapter.
And the Eddie we knew from the ‘Raw’ days would have been excoriated for his homophobic and other socially inappropriate commentary.
Radfems in general have “literal, rigid, unrealistic rules of human interaction” (very well put!) which makes me skeptical about this whole thing after reading a statement that... vague and slightly nonsensical. Still no idea what the hell happened.
Is she? That would change my perspective on this story a bit.
Who the fuck even knows
I suppose she could try to get herself sent to prison, though I don’t think it’s reasonable to expect people to volunteer for that, regardless of their crime.
You think so? Personally, I think it’s so eyerollingly wrapped up in jargon and buzz phrases that, even if the message is good, the delivery makes it hard for me to take it seriously (which isn’t saying I doubt her sincerity, one thing this apology does convey is that she is having a crisis of conscious).
Apparently a statement that essentially says “This was completely my fault, I have caused serious irreparable harm, I apologize profusely, and I will do my best to avoid doing it again” is rape apologism? I guess they wanted her to just say “I AM A DOGSHIT HUMAN BEING WHO RAPED SOMEONE”
Are we supposed to ask for consent before every sex act?
More to the point: zines still exist?
Sounds like you need to read more zines. Go down to your community photocopier and hang around until my contact arrives. He’ll be the white dude with dreadlocks, you can’t miss him.
“Rape apologism manifests itself in infinite forms: we define it as any discourse that refers to sexual assault as anything other than what it is— unacceptable and appalling abuse. The statement recently shared [below] is, unfortunately, rife with apologism and we do not condone it or the violence it describes,”
I’m wondering how the response would be if the apologist was male. I hope the response would be the same between the two. I’m not trying to start anything, I’m genuinely curious.