Doctor Wha

Sure. But only because 24 months is more than enough time for his fellow inmates to find out he’s there and then do what usually gets done to child molesters in prison.

Between this and the recent “it’s hard to date now because of my level of celebrity” articles, I kinda just want to give her a hug.

C.K. has made out with older and uglier on his show, which is saying a lot. And some of his look-at-me insult-comedy is not far off from Palin’s schtick.

Well, hasn’t even been a half hour since this was posted, as of the time of me reading this... so perhaps by the morning, this will have gone viral yet morphed into a simple “Brandon Dorner Teaches College Class On How to Date-Rape”, ensuring that Brandon Dorner’s name will be associated with date rape for as long as

What the middle class, and especially upper middle class, haven’t figured out as a group yet is how to use our culture’s seemingly extended state of arrested development to their advantage.

ABC: Anyone But Clinton

This is the bit no one seems to be talking about. It’s not Trump, Carson, Huck, Cruz, etc. whoever among the candidates that I’m worried about. It’s the untold hundreds of thousands out there who sincerely believe they’re legit!

This isn’t a case of new creators wanting to rewrite a character’s lore, as sometimes happens in long-running cape comics.

I’m fine with throwing YTR into the current mix. People will vote with their clicks, as always - whether that’s selecting an ad blocker and watching only what’s on a free service, or choosing to follow content providers over to YTR, and/or using ad blocker + free media but sending content creators money through

Thank you so much for this rebuttal to that obnoxious clickbait article.

Was this your immediate reaction when you walked out of the theater in 1983?

It is disappointing, horrifying, yet not at all surprising that - from what I got from this account of things - the 2-hour cinematic overview thing tha the execs saw was likely their first contact with the story.

OR, alternatively, she is her own woman, her own performer, with her own career, and can base her material on whatever she wishes.

Getting game makers to care about having all levels be unlocked requires that they care about single-player story first. The mentality that focuses on multiplayer, with the single player game being an extended tutorial for all intents and purposes, isn’t going to care about your point.

C’mon, you can do better.

Yay, another video or article for slacktivists to retweet at each other.

Not surprising that there wouldn’t be much concern about misusing the term rape, given that the View contains noted Cosby apologist Whoopi Goldberg. Whoopi, who only came around on “hey maybe this serial rapist shouldn’t get the benefit of the doubt” after everyone and their cousin howled at her for supporting that

bisexual-but-not-really-cuz-it’s-only-for-the-straight-male-gaze “I Kissed a Girl” song

NgDT is an obviously smart fellow, with a gift for popsci communications following in Sagan’s footsteps. But he spends too much time gleefully trolling people on twitter - bordering on Richard-Dawkins-lite level of douchebaggery - to make me want to seek out his talks and shows now.

Welp, that thud in the background is my interest in going to see The Martian dropping off.