Doctor Wha

I still can’t understand the hate on this gal. Not here on Jezebel, but I frequent another site that constantly harps on her. When she spoke out against the wage inequality, they made fun of her and called bullshit. When she trips and falls, they call it fake. When she’s naturally sarcastic in interviews, they say she

Yes, but no one wants to blast it open yet for reasons that I cannot comprehend.

99% of the time, I cannot stand Palin. But this is actually a much nicer thing than I would do if someone tweeted that at me.

We all know what would happen. Good-time Sarah would get a little tipsy on White Zin, her hands would start to wander, and before you know it, her usually wagging tongue would find its way to slobbering all over Louis’ mouth.

I trust your description of the clip, but I cannot bring myself to watch it in case Jimmy Fallon lets out a giggle or cackle in those six minutes and my morning is ruined.

They would probably hit it off just fine. She’s probably a normal boring/ordinary person in private/in person like most public figures.

I have a running list of people I want to get high and color with and she's near the top.

“Hillary does not like to ask for money,” Buell continued. “It’s not natural for her.”

Final shot:

No choice? We women call that rape. Or the GOP.

“...less likely to find [parenting] always enjoyable and rewarding.”

Middle class wages haven't increased in decades. Seems to me that's an enormous part of the equation.

I think there is still some conflation going on here between middle class, and upper middle class, which is where the cracking inequality in our society is most visible. When you write, “Every house we hit here for Halloween was produced within an inch of its life—just in case any child in the county didn’t feel

It’s because parenting culture is fucking INSANE nowadays. Children are expected to be the center of your world as a parent, but the average family doesn’t have time for that. Nowadays, kids have to be supervised all the time until they’re in high school. They have to be on the soccer team and take piano lessons in

It’s really very simple.

May I go out on a presumption with the clues I get from my friends who are parents?

Ah, the myth of the oh-so-necessary activities. That’s bullshit.

As one of the working poor, what I see is the more literal problem of the stress of working so many hours, and ALWAYS BEING AVAILABLE FOR YOUR BOSS. Coming home from work is never, ever really being home from work. Because of the cell phone. As well, many people work more than one job. It’s the stress of constantly

“Tend to try to make everything in their child’s life an “epic” experience.” This is what’s killing parents nowadays. But that couple is actually getting off light for now. Wait until their son is in middle school or high school and is heavily involved in the numerous after school activities that are “absolutely