
You sometimes feel excluded/attacked in feminist circles, while we're constantly attacked, talked down to, we receive condescending comments and "What you're doing is BAD and you should feel BAD" looks from EVERYONE, literally everywhere we go; in our own homes, at school, at work. We get bullied over this on a

I really love this:

BUT realize that every. other. thing. in the fucking world is all about Mothers this and babies that and families and commercials and OK! and inTouch and Hallmark and the tax code and what we consider work-life-balance etc. etc. etc.

I think that's exactly why these articles are important. It's not a picnic on the other side, either, I understand that. But, for women who don't want kids yet who do feel those pressures from their families and society to have children, because it really, really exists, maybe they need to see more things like this

I'll try hard to feel sorry for the emotional fallout you must be experiencing from this one blog post—let me just fend off the ENTIRE WESTERN WORLD continuously telling me my life will be meaningless and empty without a child to give me a—how did a commenter put it above—oh yes, a "bigger purpose."

Seriously. As a 33 year old woman without kids, and with zero interest in them, there is MUCH less of a place for me in this society than there is for the Mombie who gets her wittle feewings hurt about an issue which favors her to begin with.

Strangely, on a personal level I've never had to deal with it too much. Yes, my cousins are always asking when Mr. Mahut & I are having kids, apparently not noticing that I've already rounded 40 and it's probably never happening, but other than that I don't get a lot of person-to-person friction. But I'm serious in

Sorry but I disagree—the study just is what it is. It's a valid question to ask, How do children (or lack of children) affect happiness?

Exactly. Not to mention that from the time we are little girls, people say things to us like, "When you have kids, you'll understand." It's a condescending attitude that we should not have to face as adults. Whether or not we wanted to have children, but did not get to for one reason or another, or whether we chose

I had to have a hysterectomy 2 years ago so I will never be able to have kids. I get a little fed up with all the baby/birth articles on this site. One or a couple articles talking about the fact that my husband and I just might be happier and better off is nice to see once in a while. The baby positive articles FAR

It's not even our parents, it's like random ass coworkers or women that you just met.

I think after centuries of being told that the most fulfilling path for women is being a wife and mother, and being judged and outcast if that's not for you, maybe it's okay if there are a few articles on the internet stating otherwise. The whole rest of the world is on your side. Frankly, as a childless person, I

I think that a lot of the work of feminism has been centered around making it ok for women to choose not to have children (an incomplete project, still). So I totally get how it must feel like a lot of what you encounter is sort of weighted to the other side. BUT realize that every. other. thing. in the fucking world

I think you have to be educated to question the belief system into which you are born. Fundamentalist/Evangelical Christians, among other faiths such as LDS and Scientologists, seem to go to pains to not educate themselves or their children because it might create a conflict with their God and their worldview.

I think

Yeah, Jezebel, it's time for you to really mature and stop posting factual stuff about pregnancy that makes it look scary because it makes me feel weird and I can't handle my adult emotions! GROW UP ALREADY, JEZEBEL.

I don't think it's fear-mongering to tell women about potential health issues that could arise from pregnancy, especially when we have politicians in this country who think rape victims should be forced to carry pregnancies to term because it's "no big deal" for the female body.

how is it sensationalist to acknowledge real changes a body undergoes during pregnancy that are rarely talked about?

Don't forget the part about being a selfish bitch if you don't want to do it.

But you're okay with the saccharine angelic preggo image that's been around for decades?

I think you're overreacting. Pregnancy does fuck you up. It's considered a disease state by those of us in the medical profession. There is a plethora of conditions that only apply to pregnant women.
In other words, calm down.