
Groupthink my friend, groupthink

My understanding is that they view animals as property, therefore it is okay to do whatever you want with them.

Me too!

I've been to 15 weddings, and the food was only halfway decent at one. This is why I eat at least 5 pieces of cake.

OMG. THIS. Baby registries are THE WORST. Seriously, it's like they expect people to subsidize the birth of their child

I seriously need new friends, because I have never had pizza at a wedding. AND I LOVE PIZZA.

Seriously, I know brides who checked their registries MULTIPLE TIMES A DAY just to see what they were getting. Because that's what marriage is about.

Who doesn't think of sofas when you plan to go to the beach?!? SOFA=BEACH

Agreed. $20,000 for ONE DAY is completely insane. Blah Blah Bah "the memories are what is it important". Yeah that's what people who are out of $20,000 say.