Doctor Boners soap

“Horton, Here’s a Poo!”

It is definitely their election to lose. So they’re gonna give it their best shot.

You’re tearing me apart, symbiote!

The thing is (as the Deadline article mentions, and this glorified repost skips over)...Lethal Weapon is FOX’s #2 drama, after Empire, once non-broadcast viewings are factored in.

I feel like this should just state “We’re not making any MCU plans until the Fox deal finalizes, but we’re going to explore the Eternals as a backup plan in case that all goes in the shitter.”

No, that’s one of the things Europeans like Giannis have to get used to. There are only troughs.

That’s an awfully slow response time by Milwaukee police.

There’s no indication as to how much time has passed since Van and Earn’s high-stakes ping pong tournament in Helen.

I don’t know. Occam’s razor says the whole thing’s more likely part of a liberal conspiracy to prevent Fox from revealing evidence of Hillary’s murder of Seth Rich because he was about to blow the whistle on the Pizzagate pedophiles’ involvement in Benghazi.

You aren’t. You’re just one of the few not afraid to say so.

Could someone just paste the list in text form? Fuck’s sake, it’s Monday.

I’m picturing something along these lines:

He’ll have that big Foxxcon project to bid on win for the excavation contracts.

Well, it could be worse: He could take a page out of W’s playbook, who joked about looking for weapons of mass destruction under couch cushions. You know, after thousands died in a war whose justifications everyone involved knew were bullshit from the start.

Damn, so this is what getting owned feels like

Mississippi with snow, hilarious. Well I can’t attack your state, because you haven’t revealed that info., but the real issue is that WI is more rural than urban and it’s a curse we’ve carried forever. Believe me, many of us have been fighting bitterly against these backward teat pullers since Tommy Thompson was first

Really, you’re so intelligent and prescient you’re dismissing an entire state as stupid? Ok genius. And yes, I’m originally from WI, and ready for a flame war whenever you are. There’s many intelligent and very angry people in WI, believe it chump.


She’s halfway to Clouseau’s boss’s facial twitches.

I found myself at a Cosplay event outside of Washington DC (National Harbor) a few years back. While the amazing costumes (like the ones pictured above) were awesome to see, I found the REALLY bad ones far more entertaining.