
This whole piece is written like a weird, excitable ramble. I think he got drunk and said something about his role in Wonder Woman? But who the fuck can tell? I mean - “you might want to blame the cocktails at the getting-to-know-you London mixer co-star Wonder Woman co-star Kristen Wiig threw for breaching Pascal’s

Of course, that’s Disney we’re talking about and—while there is no way to prove this—the heads of any all all Disney franchise leakers are stored in hyper-cold cryogenic punishment-freeze in Cinderella’s Castle. But we kid the overlords of some 75 percent of our childhoods.

Eh, it’s a nice experience. You might not have the resources to set up hotpot at home, you might not have an apartment that can really have company over, the restaurant can offer a variety of products that would be a real pain to prepare yourself. 

You’d be surprised, I’ve seen several instances of celebs sharing troll posts and then it turns out that it’s like some 13 year old that’s now getting death threats from grown men.

I guess I just don’t see how it’s unfair for someone to be treated the way they treat others.

Gamer anger is weird anger. 

One, it’s belitting the legit concerns and gripes people have with the game.

“We are removing all associated games from sale and revoking your access to the Steamworks backend.”

There are two problems with Stadia.

Do you refuse to purchase games that are only available on Steam or as Steam keys and nowhere else on those same grounds, or is your refusal to purchase strategy somehow only towards Epic?

Look, you know what I mean. They’re each digital platforms, storefronts, programs - maybe your problem is that you gravitate to the most pedantic point possible rather than engaging with their actual opinions.

steam releases don’t exclude other pc launchers. there’s nothing exclusive about steam, besides valve’s handful of self-published titles.

What exclusivity? Oh -- I had to look it up. Epic store. Review should have mentioned that.

What looks like a fun game completely ruined because of exclusivity.  Such a shame. 

Probably made in China

10% hydration difference is what I aim for when drinking beer.

The myth that baking is about precision needs to die. This myth turns off way too many would-be home bakers. Depending on the recipe you can make some pretty big deviations while still getting a good bake. Heck I make bread and pizza dough without even measuring.

Even a 10% hydration difference can radically affect the final bread.

There’s no way I’d bake bread without weighing everything. Even a 10% hydration difference can radically affect the final bread. 

“It’s similar but not the same,”