Thanks for reminding me this game exists, Mike! It’ll go immediately into my backl... I mean, I’ll play it as soon as it is released.
Thanks for reminding me this game exists, Mike! It’ll go immediately into my backl... I mean, I’ll play it as soon as it is released.
Is it like...’The New Thing’ on the internet sphere to turn articles that report on the existence of stuff into “This person is so outraged their hair is on fire!!”
Someone will write an article that’s straight forward and tame, and within an hour some chud on Youtube will have a video up “Kotaku writer crying for…
If you read the piece, you’ll see developers are pointing out that the wishlists/view ratio was halved, which suggests Steam also started showing the games to the wrong people. Maybe it’s an accident, but this seems like a straight screw up.
I missed the section where he was outraged. This piece read like a straight telling of what some developers are saying about the new algorithm and leaves the reader to determine their own opinion.
Tesla is ahead of schedule. They weren’t expecting to blow up in China for a couple more years.
In fairness (I guess it’s fairness?) there really wasn’t anything like Epic Store before this so I don’t think steam was really adamantly keeping things exclusive. If you were, say, the developer of Hollow Knight and you were looking into how to release the game on PC, your options probably looked like this at the…
So is this gonna delay the american release? Because we in america kinda just assume everybody’s doin coke
“and that prejudice is also frequently extended to stuff like ritalin and antidepressants and even hormone replacement therapy and holy shit dude”
Erasing unpleasant bits of their history is par for the course in Japan.
It did not catch the thief. It merely captured some video of the thief. Huge difference.
I don't think the theater experience is dying any time soon, they seem to make plenty of money. It's like arguing that eating at home is killing the restaurant experience. Going to see movies at a theater all the time is a privileged experience.
Is it Netflix’s fault that fewer people go to the theater. Or were fewer people going to the theater and Netflix filled a hole in the market?
Sorry Steven, you’re wrong. The fact is that “TV movies” in the traditional sense barely even exist anymore beyond The Hallmark Channel. I would concede that a film designed to fit the rhythms of commercial breaks and edited for time by default is a very different beast from a theatrical film, but Netflix clearly…
Typical Democrats sitting in the stands cheering as Zion falls.
“Awake, awake, Zion, clothe yourself with strength! Put on your garments of splendor, Jerusalem, the holy city. And maybe, like, an ankle brace or something, ‘cause damn that don’t look good.”
I’ve got a feeling the driver has short cropped blonde hair, asks to speak to the manager all the time and is named Susan, Karen or Linda.
in other words, this is the royal wii?
Apparently not content to be clowned by being talked about it comes out from under its bridge to cry more salty tears because it’s being ignored whilst spewing racist bullshit to prove my point.
Is it a minor incontinence?
“Marvel offers prospective female director in-house support team to ensure that strict house style can be achieved. News outlet declines to research whether the same offer is made to prospective male directors. Internet comment-writer is left to supply the answer: Yes, that same offer is made to male directors. Even…