
I don't really see the need or appeal of this.  A Google Nest Mini is cheap and will provide full functionality.  Likewise the phone you already have is likely compatible with GA.  Then, none of this even considers the things you can already do with IFTTT & similar apps - you can control your computer, open/close

This isn't just an issue with western media lol - how do you think a lot of black people feel when they see the stereotyping in any game/anime/movie/TV show made in any Asian country...  It goes ALL ways.

These appeared staged as if for a cheesy comedy show - the looping laugh track didn’t help either...

Frankly I've seen too many snotty sick kids playing with them - I won't touch them...

As noted, not much is leaving Netflix yet and even so they’ve been putting a lot of money into exclusives. Disney+ may have a decent catalog, but most people I know aren’t that interested in movies/shows they’ve already seen. Ditto DCU - folks subscribed for the new shows, not the old stuff and comics, but since

I've read two reviews so far and neither addresses it directly, almost as if they were deliberately trying to avoid it.

Unless Bill Clinton is holding it...

My issue is everyone gets all up in arms if you use one of the terms incorrectly, but as seen in this very dialog and the backlash against this episode of the show, there is much confusion.  I won't use the term, as some suggest, but don't throw a tantrum if someone uses it incorrectly either.

Got quite a LOT of ads, but too hard to post a video...or maybe a video on a page with soooo many ads would screw with the page loading...

I honestly saw more drugs in Japan than I've seen here in the U.S. - and I don't use them.  

I'd say the issue there is protecting the actual theaters, who can't use that screen while playing that Netflix movie - only to have Netflix negatively impact the number of potential theater goers by streaming it online simultaneously.

Question - every woman I know says this guy is very unnatractive, yet in the media (mostly men) describe him as handsome and very attractive...  What gives - did women just like ugly guys back in the day or are they over hyping this?

My wife's co-worker has been receiving packages from Amazon for about the last six months.  They are addressed to him at an address he's been at for three years.  The contents seem to be random and to top it off - he doesn't have an Amazon account.  He's started bringing the packages to work so the IT guys can have

Pretty much how I play - I'd get bored just following the main questline or obvious side quests - I sometimes just pick a random direction and run.

I’ve been to a few concerts were older female performers do this to young men, but no one cares about that...

When I lived in Tokyo, they advised you to keep a vacuum nearby - that way you could try to suck the mochi out - no joke...

I signed up for Prime the moment it became available and it was good for awhile, but the last six months about half of my orders have taken four or more days to arrive.  I usually receive notice that it will take longer the day after I submitted the order.

SSo, does “dozens” of hours mean multiples of 12 or was 18 hours the amount of time he spent just getting the entrance right. I read this article right after another which also claimed something took dozens of hours, only to later note it took 20 hours...

Now, if only it was launching on Steam instead of the Epic Store - I don't have issues with competing launchers, but Epic has a bad history with security and other things...

With all of the complexities going on behind the scenes, I don’t think they had time, funds, or desire to spend on making it “pretty.” However when playing you tend to ignore the graphics and use your imagination more - watching a video won't give you that same experience...