
I almost stopped reading when it was suggested that people write down a password - with so many free password apps out there having a paper trail is just begging for problems.

People are upset about this, but not about all of the "sexy" miniskirt costumes for preteens... 

Sadly I have seen similar behavior in a number of former workplaces - more sad is that sometimes it was women exhibiting the same (or worse) behavior that men are usually accused of in the workplace, but they were never taken to task either...

With even 'real' companies cutting coverage their insurance probably won't cover 99%.  WTH is a "real job" anyway - you sound like an elitist, but probably don't work for a Fortune 100 company...

There is no "tutorial" in Minecraft - you either just dive right in or use a wiki - unless you played a modded version with an RPG/adventure mod added on.  However many do find this a barrier to entry...

You obviously don’t know that at ‘normal’ cons whites tend to tell black cosplayers that they shouldn’t play as Asian or white charactes at all - some do this rather loudly and obnoxiously. So, once again a situation where whites try to exclude someone based on a moronic principle considering they aren’t Asian either

Meh, it is China - they don't really need a legit reason to arrest anyone, but yeah, I get ya...

What happened to buyer beware? Blaming the salesman instead of the creator & the people that buy this crap? I’m sure you’d turn down easy money instead of selling someone’s cheesy, but legit product to people that would willingly pay for it... Er, wait, most retail stuff is crap - as seen on TV.

So, this article conveniently leaves out another thing going on with this game - legitimate players being perma banned with no recourse. Basically another revenue earning tool Rockstar has employed, as those players will need to buy a new account should they wish to continue playing.