Yeah, it sounds like they are reaching. Especially since the term "middle aged man" seems to have been applied rather liberally to simply entail all adult men really.
Yeah, it sounds like they are reaching. Especially since the term "middle aged man" seems to have been applied rather liberally to simply entail all adult men really.
When I catalog my own favorite shows, practically all of them are about either teen girls or middle-aged men in transition — My Mad Fat Diary, Mad Men, Veronica Mars,Deadwood, Breaking Badand (siding with Nussbaum) Buffy and Freaks and Geeks.
They're both emotionally labile figures going through a period of identity formation. They're angry and horny and they bridle at the dullness of social conformity. They're unnerved by the way their bodies are changing. They feel like the world is ending.
New Yorker television critic Emily Nussbaum recently sat down and talked with Anaheed Alani for "Why Can't I Be You,"…
What was the sassy slut wearing?
When I was in grade 7 (13?) my creepy old math teacher gave us this weird homework assignment to count the number of breaths we took in a minute. The next day he called out on students to give their answers in class. I didn't do the "assignment", and I wasn't paying attention when he called my name. I blurted out a…
So a trusted authority figure teaches humility with verbal abuse toward a child? People who like using the phrase "take them down a peg" do seem to relish that kind of thing. But I know, I know we have to reserve judgment until the 12 year old proves she's not a slut, right?
I mean, I think that's the important part of this story. Teachers get made and sometimes they yell. I've definitely told kids, "I don't like you right now because your behavior is really annoying." Kids are annoying and sometimes they are assholes. I've definitely been told be kids, "I'm going to call my sister to…
I mean, this kid could very well have been acting like a total asshole (it happens constantly). But this is a patently inappropriate response, because teachers shouldn't be yelling sexist insults at anyone. It models an entirely inappropriate behavior and sends the message that calling someone a "slut" when she's…
Yay double standards. It took me years to realize there was no male equivalent for "the walk of shame" because society doesn't shame them for being sexual.
Fuck this noise. As teachers, it's our responsibility to model appropriate emotional responses at all times. That's why we try not to scream anything at kids - because that's not an appropriate adult response. Does that happen 100% of the time? No, but this teacher has modeled that this kind of sexist, shaming…
What does a 12 year old do to be called a slut, let alone a "sassy slut"? Against my better judgement, I think I'd be a little proud to be called a sassy slut and I cant explain why.
Oh, is this teacher horror story time?
I was screamed at "You're a little bitch" in front of an entire classroom when I was 12. Nothing happened to the teacher. When I was 14 I was called a little whore by the dean, nothing happened to her....ah catholic school.
I'm wondering though... how can that possibly be the case? Aren't there more political blogs than anything else? I mean, what was this dude's criteria? Only fashion/lifestyle blogs? How'd he leave out local news blogs. Hell, there's a guy in my neighborhood that runs a very successful blog garnered from the local…
And I want a job that allows me to travel internationally while hanging out with my family and friends and doing basically whatever I want. As long as we're wanting things, I figure I might was well throw that out there ;-)
His trailer informs you that he's super good at what he does. I love it when the trailer tells me how beautiful the cinematography is instead of just, you know, having beautiful cinematography.
I am only slightly embarrassed by the amount of money I would pay to watch Hannity and the rest of those morons attempt a dizzy bat challenge.
Tell her to read this article on why she probably won't make much money. I have a lot of friends who blog, as do I. Everyone pretends like they're making money, but once I admit that I have made enough to buy a monthly lunch on, you should see them relax. People start saying "Yeah, I made like $150 last year."