Yay, I've finally been doing something right. Most of the time, I look at your cleaning instructions, get preemptively exhausted, and take a Buzzfeed quiz instead.
Yay, I've finally been doing something right. Most of the time, I look at your cleaning instructions, get preemptively exhausted, and take a Buzzfeed quiz instead.
Then why are we talking about this? If you don't think the teacher did it, if you don't think the student is lying, if you don't think paid leave is unacceptable, why bother making online comments at all?
If we don't assume that the teacher is guilty, then the girl is lying. Some people on here are giving the kid the benefit of the doubt, some people are giving the the teacher the benefit of the doubt.
Is it fair to assume the kid is lying?
Right, but it probably wouldn't be appropriate for the news to ask to interview those students for their statement. That should be left to the school administrators as part of the investigation.
All I am saying is we do not know what this girl was doing, and had done prior.
From the link:
I know it's not exactly the same situation because this woman is a substitute teacher, but if this person gets paid administrative leave, I hope Laura Jane Klug does too.
My 12th grade English teacher was "fired" (asked to retire/resign) when he asked a girl in class if she was a virgin. This was about 10 years ago. #progress
Misread the headline as "California Sriracha Factory Declared a "Pubic Nuisance".
I don't think there's anything wrong with Mommy Blogging as a hobby or even as a way to supplement a single-income household, but there is nothing revolutionary about it.
It's hard to imagine what it would even be like with him as a host not in character.
D'oh. Hee!
This is slightly OT, but I think it's relevant to the question of how anyone found out she was transgender, if she didn't talk about it in school. Maybe she talked about it with the principal or other teachers and the word spread from their. Maybe the kids/parents just speculated about it to the administration and…
Parent complaints of being transgender. I understand what you're getting at (how she phrased it was weird) and I'm sure the school board is trying to cover their ass on why she was suspended (the complaints, not her gender), but that really is the issue at hand. She's transgender. Some parents don't like that. She…
"The only evidence that we have against you is that just thinking about you teaching their kids gives some parents comfortable feelings."
He also said that he'd be fine with her if she taught older kids, but if she was teaching at a high school that his kid attended, I think he'd have the same reaction.
That's what I am curious about...how the parents find out that she was transgender? Did that dad see her and just assume? I feel like that is incredibly rude to basically say, "You don't fit my definition of what a woman should look like, so I am going to ask you about your gender identity (even though all the…
Yeah, but they only colonized places in Africa and the Pacific. They didn't even colonize North America...how can they be racist against Native Americans?! I mean, compared to other European countries, their colonization wasn't that bad.</SARCASM>