
It's a fair comparison to say that hanging a Confederate flag to advertise American products would be like advertising German products in America with a Nazi Party flag, right?

I looked at some of the Bing translation of the German comments on Heidi's Facebook album and while they are obviously a rough translation, a lot of them are positive.

"Don't you feel like a dude when you have 1-day stubble on your legs?"

Good point! And if having stubble on your legs made you feel like a dude, wouldn't you NOT CARE what anyone else thinks?

choose to stay smooth

Well, considering that "dude" or male is often the default for "human," then, yes, when I don't shave my legs, I feel like a "dude." Meaning "a human."

Now playing

Pfft, no. If girls eat the chocolate, they will get fat. Meanwhile, guys are impressed at the number of chocolate bars they can eat in a minute.

Now playing

So let me get this straight, Francesa...if someone has a high-paying, high-stakes job like professional baseball player or sports journalist, you should not be afforded the luxury of parental leave because you can pay people to take care of your baby and your spouse? In Francesa's world, I guess minimum wage employees

If their faces aren't blurred in the video, it means that after the filming took place, they signed a waiver allowing the production to use their likeness in the footage. If they are blurred, they didn't sign.

But when they cut back to it, he said something like, "Well, I have to go to the bank first." ...did he think she was a prostitute?

Yeah, the guy with the umbrella literally says is "What's wrong with you?" Because walking up to a stranger on the street and asking them to go home with you is not normal behavior.

It's a lesson in empathy. I think that's good for everyone to experience now and then, even if they aren't a sexist/racist/homophobe, etc.

Going to take this opportunity to plug Why Oh Why? with Andrea Silenzi on WFMU. Listen to the March 26, 2014 episode, when Andrea's friend Randy tells her about hooking up with "C" college girls in Panama Beach.

Yeah, but you only have one baseball team,'s a toss-up.

White people, mostly men, are the only people who are serious when they talk about "the good old days."

Makes sense to me!

My friend came up with a good one. He posted on his Facebook that if you go to any Starbucks anywhere and show a Washington State driver's license (since Starbucks is from WA), you can get a free drip coffee. Two of his co-workers fell for it. He's buying them coffee tomorrow.

Ooops, my mistake! Thank you for pointing that out.

What kind of religious projects do you do? I am assuming that the projects you do are about role religion plays in culture and history and politics, versus celebrating a certain faith or worship. I think that's the distinction she's making. But maybe I'm wrong.