I feel like I heard or read something recently that if a woman doesn't see a future with a guy, she's more likely to sleep with him on the first date. It might have been on Why Oh Why?.
I feel like I heard or read something recently that if a woman doesn't see a future with a guy, she's more likely to sleep with him on the first date. It might have been on Why Oh Why?.
The cookies are free, but you have to pay for the milk.
It's actually funny that you said that because they don't sell cookies...they give them away!
Mmmm, Abortion Cookies. Now, how many of these cookies to I need to eat in order to successfully terminate this pregnancy?
Aw, man, I wish I could support access to affordable reproductive health care (which includes abortion, natch) by buying and eating delicious baked goods!
Imagine a young woman who has been molested or raped after being indoctrinated with this purity message.
Great pun.
True Love Waits Wafers
What sorts of cookies do you think you can get from the American Heritage Girls? I'll start.
It requires a companion device to emit the smell
And sort of an ironic one for an Evangelical Christian!
for some reason I experience intense joy reading your (Gawker Media writers) text conversations between each other.
I was just thinking that since my boyfriend has a flip phone, I don't have to worry about this nonsense. But if it can be synced with Facebook Messenger, I'm going to get darl-ed.
The article that Phoenix linked (which I should have read before I posted) argues that its a way of exoticizing (which is a word I just made-up) Asian people. And I see how it could be used as a subtle way to "other" someone, even when using it as a compliment.
I've never thought of "almond-shaped eyes" as an insult because I first heard it used when describing how beautiful Claudia Kishi was in The Baby-Sitters Club.