
A SPAM slider with some kind of...pineapple cole slaw?

I remember reading somewhere else in another article about male contraception is that one of the reasons that it hasn't been advanced as much as female contraception is related to the idea that women's bodies are affected by pregnancy so the physical side effects of contraception are more...understandable? "Well, I

When I was meeting people through online dating, I was definitely more interested in some people than others, but I was nice to everyone when I was out with them.

I used to think "partner" meant "gay," but that was when I was, like, 13-years-old.

That's an interesting point, considering TODAY's target audience. Would a new male ambassador even be interviewed on TODAY?

He set her up on a bunch of dates, but the dudes were INFINITELY nicer than regular dating. Nothing worked out, but I realized if the person you're dating also knows your parents or family members or boss or mutual friends, you're probably going to act a hell of a lot nicer than you would to someone on Match.

The difference is that Hemingway isn't being marketed to children. Most kids, (although not the girl in this article) don't have the critical thinking skills to discern that just because something is written in a book, that doesn't make it true/right.

It is interesting because some of the "Girls Only" titles - Top Tips for Speech-making, How to Beat Bullies, How to Survive Shyness - sound like practical social topics for BOTH girls and boys. I will 100% guarantee that more boys would benefit from learning how to overcome shyness or handle a confrontation with a

I'm not married or engaged, but I have a hard time imagining wearing a jeweled ring every day, mostly because I think it would get snagged on everything (pockets, sweaters, gloves, my hair...). Also, it freaks me out that I would lose it because I am clumsy and forgetful.

You are quite right. While she might be pro-choice in theory, she is not pro-choice in action and actions speaks louder than...theories.

The other day, I heard a mom say, "Oh, what was that? Did you just buy something" as her kid played with her iPad. "I'm just playing the game," the kid said. Well, at least she asked.

If Entourage was still on, there would be a running gag that pretty much every overplayed role in literature (books, plays, biographies, etc.) had recently been tackled by Franco. The man never sleeps!

Besides, hasn't Heche been exclusively into dudes since she and Ellen broke up? I know she could go back to being with ladies, but I'd be really surprised.

Someone in another thread pointed out how things might have turned out differently if he was not a white, blond, and fit. Would anyone who say they'd be okay with it be just as okay if it was someone who was overweight? I have a feeling that then we'd see more, "Gross! What a perv!" reactions.

It takes confidence to walk up to a person that you don't know in a public place and ask for their phone number, even when fully clothed! Why are we supposed to think this guy is special because of his "confidence"?

I've lost count of the number of times I've emailed my representative, Congresswoman Cathy McMorris Rodgers, and basically received a "Don't care" reply. Here's one more to add to the pile...

That's what kills me the most about the Republican platform. How can you be against abortion and contraception and sex ed?

Is there really a "pro-abortion" contingency? Would pro-abortion mean that you would always prescribe an abortion in the case of an unplanned pregnancy? You can think that there is nothing morally wrong about abortion without thinking that the only solution to an unplanned pregnancy is an abortion.