
I understand what you're saying, that you don't call yourself pro-choice because the language of the discussion lumps pro-choice in with pro-abortion. I don't think pro-choice equals pro-abortion, just like I don't think pro-choice equals anti-life. But you're literally saying that you are in favor of individual

If women want to wrestle at 14 years old in a co-op setting where the only thing separating any part of anyone's body is a pair of microns-thick spandex and underwear, they are welcome to it, but don't act all surprised when the boys don't want to get caught with a boner mid-match and get laughed at by their peers.

My costar in a high school play once got a boner while we were rehearsing a particularly intense fight scene that involved a lot of straddling. I noticed it, adjusted my position so as not to hit it, he noticed my adjustment and apologized later and explained that it was unintentional, and I accepted his apology and

So what are you saying? Boys may get boners if they wrestle girls. So...what do we do about it? Keep girls from wrestling boys? I don't think that's what you're saying, but I don't know why you brought this up.

Yes! That's what's missing in this discussion! Yes, straight boys sometimes get boners by just looking at girls. Maybe it is more likely to happen if they are touching a girl, even in a non-sexual situation. Any shame or embarrassment they feel about it, though, is not the girl's fault. Unless she is openly mocking

Pulling out a too dry tampon =

Did you know he has a podcast?

Here's a mega-overshare/question: Does anyone else have to change a tampon every time they poo too? I feel like the tampon kind of gets...pushed out of place in the process and then it's super uncomfortable, so I always end up taking it out and getting a new one. Just me?

Holy shit, people have actually said that to you? Do they not realize that they're basically putting black people on the same level as animals?!

I'll cop to this too, though. If someone I don't like or agree with endorses something, I'm probably less likely to buy it/try it.

This reminds me a little of a conversation I had with my boyfriend, who thinks feminists need better marketing to get people on our side (he's one of those "humanist instead of feminist" guys...we're working on it).

Oh, god, she probably calls him Earl of Sandwich in the bedroom. And she's the Sandwench.

Even if you would never ever under any circumstance date a person of a specific ethnicity (which is racist), no one will call you a racist as long as you don't tell anyone that you won't date people of that race.

I see where you're coming from, but I'm thinking more about the fact that they were beloved characters. Yeah, killing innocent bystanders is less justifiable than killing your enemies, but I cared more about Hank and Gomie than I cared about Drew Sharp or Andrea, and I only cared about the latter two characters

Uncle Jack and Kenny have only killed [...] Hank and Gomez.