

If his family doesn't get the money, he doesn't really win.

Why do you think our culture is still so focused on the engagement ring/engagement period? You date someone for a year, you move in together, you make jokes about getting engaged, your girlfriend starts a goofy/depressing blog about the number of sandwiches she's making you to "earn" an engagement ring. What's the


Seriously. Does she know there are 365 days in a year?

Wait...that's for a child?! Never mind all the bullshit of giving girls toys/costumes about cleaning while boys get to be firefighters...this is disgusting.

Shout away.

What's worse is that their parishioners aren't even obeying and the Church is trying to enforce its rules on everyone, even non-Catholics.

I was responding to another reader's comment, not the article. Chill out.

Performers are invited to audition to SNL. Maybe no black women were invited?

But he's been married FOUR times and has ZERO children! If him and his partners are NOT using birth control (ew, ew, ew), there must be a God and he has spared the world from Limbaugh spawn.

I view sex as a pro-creative act too!

Serious question: why are Catholics against birth control? If it's not that they think the pill = abortion, is it because you're messing with God's will? Then why did God create scientists who created birth control? Shouldn't you say the same thing about any medication? It's God's will that you get small pox, so don't

I don't know much about it either, but I can pretty much guarantee that you have to have to be invited to audition. The producers and the writers have to have seen your work elsewhere and ask you come audition for them. So I'd rather know how many black women they invited to audition.

I hope that didn't sound flippant, like it's not a problem that there are not latinos on the show either. I think there probably is an atmosphere at SNL that it's less offensive/complicated to have a white person play latino, so why bother hiring them? Which...still really sucks.

All minorities are horrendously underrepresented on SNL. One of the things that's so appalling is that, unless there is a guest star, Keenan Thompson plays every black woman parodied on the show. But, no, we need a couple more nondescript white guys with sandy blond hair because one of them looks more like Ryan

I see where you're going and I raise you, "How many were invited to audition?"

I don't know what it's like at Smith either. And there is a possibility, although extremely unlikely, that other students discriminate against her for liking boys. I very much doubt that.

She sounds like one of those girls who think she can't be friends with lesbians because they are all secretly in love with and niceguying her in order to seduce her.