I wonder if having a straight-girl sorority is less about connecting with other straight ladies and more about having mixers with nearby frats or groups like "the Amherst bball team" who don't want lesbians at the events.
I wonder if having a straight-girl sorority is less about connecting with other straight ladies and more about having mixers with nearby frats or groups like "the Amherst bball team" who don't want lesbians at the events.
But saying that as a straight woman at Smith, she feels like a minority...yeesh.
Well, Walt was a father-figure too...he just turned out to be a self-serving egomaniac who convinced Jesse that Walt cared about him like a son, but would ultimately act in Walt's own interests.
I hope Jezebel is posting a whole article on this. Yeesh.
Wait, did I miss that Melissa McCarthey is going to be on Girls?!
or you're some sorry man-impersonator
Heehee! It's not just that they're not hot anymore...it's that they're kind of crazy too.
My bf sent me the link and I didn't even watch it, I just said, "I always think those things are staged." He works in the film industry, so then he went on and on about how difficult it would be to do that kind of stunt and that you'd need a sugar glass table and yada yada yada, I WAS RIGHT!
Age: 23
Very good point. And I feel like they'd add something like, "Besides, not all of those women that we force to continue their pregnancies are going to die...just, like, a couple." Because let's not forget that pro-life is really anti-woman.
Hmmm, interesting. I wonder if it was more violent for an animated movie or just movies in general. I haven't seen it, but I sort of get the sense that the MPAA would be like, "Cartoons are for children," and therefore judge it more harshly than a live action movie.
Do you know why that the original rating?
And then we can blame the downfall of superhero movies on women! Yay!
Wait, what is this even an ad for? X-Men: Days of Future Past?
Yeah, technically my beau and I were not even a high match because he had barely answered any questions. Basically, he was male, straight, and in my zip code. I think were were like a 10 or 15% match.
I guess it's more that he basically said that he'd sleep with a dumb girl, but she shouldn't expect to become his girlfriend. Which is a pretty shitty way to treat someone (unless you're totally honest about it upfront and s/he's like, "Yeah, I just want to bone, I don't care what you think of me otherwise" ... I…