Not to mention dirty. Dude, you gotsta take better care of the remaining fingernails....
Not to mention dirty. Dude, you gotsta take better care of the remaining fingernails....
I had every poster of Heath Ledger available. Plus the Leonardo dicaprio Romeo and Juliet poster. Amazing. I wish I could still have those.
Coming to an AP US History essay near you: And then Alexander Hamilton was all like, ““Should we honor our treaty, King Louis’ head?”“Uh… do whatever you want, I’m super dead.”” And that’s why George Washington decided not to help France with their war.
We have people claiming that loudly butt-trumpeting in a crowded dining room is perfectly acceptable. I keep thinking nothing could surprise me...
I’ve read/watched/heard “Look at me” somewhere else.
and I realize now this could be interpreted as an ‘all black people look alike’ kind of thing. Please don’t think that, I am seriously bad at faces and names (of all races).
Ahh social anxiety. There you are, I knew you were just waiting to pounce.
It doesn’t hurt that Clinton and Richards are about 19x smarter than anyone else in the room.
Millions of pairs of American women are both sisters and have different last names. They seem to still now that they are sisters. funny how that works.
I’m listening/watching while at work so far she seems to be handling herself pretty well. Love the purple suit. In my biases opinion, she is coming across as the adult in a room of whiny pee-pee babies.
I’ve never seen a restaurant that had onion dip and potato chips on the menu.
I run in them, I have for about 3 years. I really like how lightweight they are. I get how it is such a personal choice. I can't stand running in shoes that are too supportive.
I run in them, I have for about 3 years. I really like how lightweight they are. I get how it is such a personal…
We not gonna mention Devil in the White City in that first paragraph about H.H. Holmes? That shit’s better than the documentary, I promise you.
remember when the blonde one got drunk and cheated on her fiancee with a super hot italian guy
It would be a bigger tragedy if Oxygen stopped marathoning the early seasons.
I would also suggest that if you want to stay friends, or even just be friendly, be honest at the end. Don’t lie about your feelings or why you’re breaking up or anything salient to the breakup. You don’t have to be blunt, but you do have to be honest.
I put bacon on my toast & jam, so I get the whole sweet and salty thing, but grape jelly on pizza just sounds horrible on all five sensory levels, even sound. I’d try it for Science, but I’m crazy like that.
Good point. Here’s a tweet that includes the video:
Little known secret: those of us that love it hate it, too.
The worst part is honestly the thickness when they grow back. Ugh. Runners feet are SO GROSS. Still, let’s be honest, we’re a little bit proud of ourselves for being so nuts. It’s a sickness.