
“As AA notes, ‘to increase the website’s attractiveness to advertisers,’ Clay Travis’s website was moved off the company’s URL”

Planned to a point. I think Dwayne wasn’t supposed to tee off on Foley as much as he did, and definitely not all to the head.

I had to quit kickball leagues cold turkey because I got so ragey about the people who’d pay the $50 entry fee, get the shirt, and never show once after that. Shit, I’d even take the people who get drunk and play terrible over that, or the coquettish weaklings who just bunt. THIS IS NOT HOW THE LEAGUE IS WON, PEOPLE

They’re there to see The Miz. Who is

Okada-Omega is finisher spam, and seeing how one of the finishers is a sub-JBL-level *clothesline*, the match sucks.

Yeah, well, your son is a roid-raging monster, so.

“If you had your dominant arm cut off tomorrow how long do you think it would take you to be able to functionally use your non-dominant arm?”

Again with this. Just like the Comey Twitter-trail. How hard is it to just make the account name @BonerBonerBoner and let no one be the wiser?

Flew to NYC a couple weekends ago. I live in Atlanta. As cool as it seems to diss Hartsfield, it windmill dunks all over LaGuardia.

I was in NYC last weekend and took in a game at Citi because it was cheap. Was shocked how nice it was, seeing how my usual thought with most things Mets is “pffft”.

(shrug) That was every third snap for Jacob Eason last year.

This requires the Pats to win another ring, which is NOT a perfect world sort of thing to happen.

O Canada is one of the few national anthems that’s demonstratively inferior to The Star-Spangled Banner.

Greyson Lambert seems like a good dude, albeit a lousy QB.

Hey, cool, Auburn has their 2018 starting QB now.

“My issue is more about history”

I’m in an NBA playoffs pickem and only one person (not me) didn’t have the Cavs making the Finals. You just couldn’t pull the trigger, because the East sucks and LeBron is LeBron.

“How can we reach them? How should we speak to them? Here’s a wild idea: fix their problems.”

“In 2012, stadium costs ate up 16.4 percent of Hamilton County’s budget.”

Mason did it at UD Arena, which is nearly 50 years old and seats less than 14,000 people. Somehow Dayton isn’t being forced to put up hundreds of millions for a shiny new arena.