If they impeach him and conviction happens at 11:59AM on January 20, it was worth it.
If they impeach him and conviction happens at 11:59AM on January 20, it was worth it.
He didn’t even care enough to walk the few blocks with them after saying he would.
Sedition, coup or treason? Maybe. The problem is these goobers were out for their 15 minutes of fame and that’s about it. Hopefully a stiff prison sentence will afford them time to reflect on their stupidity. At least one paying with her life is just sad.
Bryan Cranston, also gave his thoughts on Cancel Culture™ recently, and said things along the same lines. I might be out of line here, but to simply note that sometimes it can get out of hand seems reasonable enough to say, right?
This one feels like it extends outside the area of conservative, because even i’m having trouble believing that someone with enough dedication to buy a gallon of pigs blood and a pig’s head didn’t know how to accurately draw a fuckin’ anarchy symbol. That level of commitment 100% means they doodled those in the…
At the moment she is in the middle.
No, but in my career caring for the elderly I’ve met many people whose dying wish was that they had gotten a degree in a certain subject, pursued a different career, took a chance on a different position or opportunity, studied/committed more in school to have a different professional life (or one at all).
It depends on the field.
There are definitely teachers, medical workers and others who will work as long as they can and volunteer after that.
Not everyone wants to do those jobs, but it’s not “nobody” that finds their fields fulfilling.
There definitely seems to be a dichotomy between people who had time to have these grand epiphanies about work and people who have just had to buckle down and log more hours at the grocery store (or wherever) because all their coworkers are falling sick.
This mindset is so insidious - “be grateful we bestow employment upon you” and the weird sense of loyalty to a singular company (is this regional? This ‘anti job-hopper’ thing is a fairly common mindset in the midwest).
My dad worked for one company essentially his whole life and retired with a pension. Both of those things are inconceivable these days. He could NOT understand my life when I was a freelancer (“so... you don’t have a job?” “yes, I do, I actually have 4 of them...”) or my job hopping (“if you had stayed at XYZ, you’d…
I was raised to believe that if you weren’t in school or at work, you were lazy. My parents (Depression-era, born and raised in poverty) never took sick leave even when they were sick. I was in the hospital as a kid, and they still went to work. They missed every school play, recital, spelling bee, science, fair,…
I’ll be that asshole: a lot of the work you described and workers you interviewed seem to be too many degrees of separation from the essential products.
Later on it was for keeping out Jehovahs Witnesses.
Plenty of cars come with self-destruct devices:
I’m giving you a star because that first point is really solid. The second one ? Not so much. There are plenty of people who could stop him. It’s the “wanting to” that’s the kicker.
I know that people are finding that the period between presidents is a huge gray area that Trump and his henchmen are abusing the legal system. Isn’t somewhere in there some act of treason? The man is going against the very thing this country stands for and you’re telling me *nobody* has the power to stop him?
Kinja gold +1
Well played.
Thanks Beth, your article serves as journalistic lodestar to the rest of this nation.