True, but what may have been under-their-breath mutters by their grandparents that didn’t have significant impact on people in those groups is now ever-increasingly unabashedly out in the open, and even making its way into law and policy.
True, but what may have been under-their-breath mutters by their grandparents that didn’t have significant impact on people in those groups is now ever-increasingly unabashedly out in the open, and even making its way into law and policy.
That’s the thing with the Q-Anon/MAGA crowd now, they’re moving into “America’s bad, let’s be full-blown Nazis” territory, and they’re going there real quick. From openly supporting Russia/Putin, to trying to subvert elections at every turn, to openly calling for an end to democratic representation to trying to…
I’d say it’s safe to assume that this guy doesn’t live up to the reputation of men from Nantucket...
Jamie Dimon, is that you? Are you punking me?
While it is absolutely normal, a) the fact that a company is willing to wholesale cut dedicated workers loose at the drop of a hat *shouldn’t be normal*, and is part of the problem with late-stage capitalism, and b) if the goal, as often stated by Elon, is to have “hardcore”, undyingly dedicated employees, this is the…
The real problem is the endless string of Titanic “I’m the king of the world!” reenactments.
Seems to me that the word “donating” is doing a lot of lifting there...
From the perspective of it being a funny bit, and masterfully executed, that is indeed one of the all-time greats (gets brought up every year in my family). But as an effective ad (i.e. getting us to remember their name), it’s an utter failure.
100% this.
Without Mariah Carey’s “All I Want For Christmas Is You”, this list is incomplete.
Can someone forward the call recording one to all of the phone manufacturers?
Might I suggest the software that makes the touchbar work the way it should have all along – BetterTouchTool?
Yes, it’s just less convenient than having it right there in the computer.
If it’s just storage, absolutely, but working files and resources can encompass a hefty chunk as well – though the slightly inconvenient workaround would always be an external drive.