I believe “Game over, man” was Paxton ad-libbing, not scripted.
I believe “Game over, man” was Paxton ad-libbing, not scripted.
Makes that hand print on the window have a whole new quality to it.
And then there you have it, Titanic, the Sequel! Bill Paxton on the run from the Russians, with old lady and crew in tow. They would just stay on the boat the whole time, for nautical continuity.
Same here. As a teen - even one who considered themselves practical - I kind of understood tossing the necklace. I wouldn’t have done it, but felt like I could understand why someone would, and respected the closure.
All of his dialogue is unclever and flat. It’s just that sometimes, at the right point in the right film, a clunkingly flat line can be iconic.
It takes not much effort to make me feel sad about him. It was so sudden, I almost wanted to say it was a death hoax at first. Goddamn it, what a loss.
What kind of circle do you run in that debates if fictional characters go to heaven or hell when they die?
I think he could’ve found his own wreckage, maybe not after he got Rose secured because he was too tired, but had he thought ahead and secured some doors they might have been ok.
Maybe Jack never existed and she was just masturbating in that car.
No, they were referring to the sidekick, not Bill, but the punctuation marks are really badly employed and confusing. Bill’s name shouldn’t be there (AND ALSO, men wear shirts, not tops) It should have read something like:
This sentence is describing Bill Paxton’s sidekick - not Bill Paxton as a sidekick.
OH, that’s really good.
Bill Paxton was too good for this world.
I maintain that Jack was never there. Rose either got separated from him or she actually saw him die before the ship sank. Either way, there wasn’t enough room because there can’t be a version of this story where he survives. As it is, everyone where Rose and Jack were had already died before the rescuers came around…
The problem is that as insufferable as they may be, they are kind of right. People argue around in circles to justify both those things, but the fact is they are plot holes.
I’m not sure if I’m able to post a video as a gray, but here’s a link to the SNL skit from 1999 where Bill Paxton and the crew beat up Rose for wasting their time and money.
This alternate ending must end with Paxton screaming “That’s it, man! Movie OVER, man! MOVIE OVER!!!!”
All this article did was make me miss Bill Paxton.
Man I miss Bill Paxton so much. Man was so talented he managed to make clunky as hell lines like I never realized the real tragedy of the Titanic feel somewhat natural. That being said this scene is absurd and rightfully changed. I would only accept it if Paxtons character proceeds to drown Rose for destroying his…