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    Fair enough, I’m just always on a quest to have a single device to rule them all. I hate having to attach a bunch off extraneous stuff – and I really hate having to pack an entire bag of crap when I’m on the go. I guess for me, I’d need at least the 2TB drive to approach perfection.

    If you’re doing heavy enough work to justify 16GB of RAM, then the 512GB of storage likely isn’t going to cut it either.

    If you’re doing heavy enough work to justify 16GB of RAM, then the 512GB of storage likely isn’t going to cut it either.

    Sounds like u shouldn’t be in America. Sorry you’ve been brainwashed by a Cheeto-colored fascist.

    Given that it’s an inherently political app, wouldn’t removing it be taking the politics out of it? Or do you regularly get your celebrity updates and cat video fix on there? Smh.

    And I’d like to keep it that way. Promotion of fascist tools aside though, do you really think it belongs front and center in an article about the best Android apps of the year – and an article that definitely doesn’t mention it?

    Bootlicker says what?

    Parler in the pic? Really?

    It’s ludicrous, but people are not only paying it, they’re practically fighting over them.

    Believe me, that would have been an ideal option. I can’t speak about the delivery times today, but in June 2021, it was estimated (because they won’t give you a firm commitment) to be over a year (because they had already reached their production allocation limits). And given that those limits are still around (and a

    100%. Perfectly stated.

    This. In 2021 (so admittedly, things were even tougher in the market, but it doesn’t look like too much has changed with Toyota), I bought a Rav4 Prime (which is an outstanding vehicle, by the way, but I do wish it had even more electric range). Took me over a month of scouring the internet, and ended up having to

    What about my baking soda figurine collection?

    Found it:

    Your caption says that the wallpaper is of a pink Corvette. That’s a Lamborghini Countach LP 5000S.

    *double yawn*

    Don’t need anything to refute judgmental nonsense. Don’t try to pawn your lack of a substantive argument on me. You’re the one making the claim that this is how people are, so you’re the one that needs to put up or shut up. I’ll take one (provable, not just how you “feel”) anecdote. Go.

    Yes, we’re already aware that you hear this on repeat in your head, but in actuality, we can do without your contribution.

    Well, I’m glad you’re here to enlighten us all with your brilliant insight into America’s problems. Thanks for taking time from your Nobel laureate work to grace us with what you’ve pulled out of your ass your valuable thoughts!