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    Hey, there’s a difference between “They lost money because they spent more than they made” and “They lost money because they aren’t making enough money”, which seems obvious, but here I am having to explain it.

    While accurate, those numbers don’t tell the whole story, namely that Disney+ raked in more than $7B, but also spent an unclear amount, which appears to be in the neighborhood of more than $7B on streaming content production and acquisition, and would balance out perfectly if it were $7.659B. This is not an uncommon

    Oh, come on. The notion that “The agreement would let agencies examine TikTok’s US facilities, records, and servers” equals spying is a leap Evil Knievel couldn’t make.

    Sigh, here we go.


    Except that it was the AMPTP that called for the blackout. The WGA wants transparency, The AMPTP wants to manipulate the news cycle to divide WGA membership.

    According to Variety, Disney+ ended Q1 2023 with 157.8 million subscribers (down 4 million from the previous quarter, which Disney obviously paints as the apocalypse). Assuming every one of those is at the cheapest tier of $7.99/month (obviously not the case), Disney+ would still be raking in $1.26 billion per month.

    Learn to intuit? What happened to “I see it right there in black and white”?

    Haven’t read the draft, but if there’s spying capabilities that the US was asking for in there, it’s not evident in the reporting in this story – it’s purely talking about auditing and oversight of operations.

    Let’s go ahead and let the strike continue at least until Leto’s no longer available...

    This is a great tip! Thanks!

    Don’t forget the Brawndo...

    This is a perfectly cromulent deal.

    That video is outstanding, except (and I get the sense the director and editor of the video would agree with me) it went on about two minutes too long.

    SO not groovy, man!


    They both protect problematic people. And that’s not what both-siderism is. Take your own shit pile and spread it somewhere else.

    I should clarify. In areas where there are strong teacher unions with high membership, not only do they work well, but benefit everybody – management, labor, and students. But where the unions exist but aren’t strong (which is a much larger swath of the country), they frequently use tools such as tenure and legal

    Oh, I guarantee that if this guy had uttered one syllable about any of this before the strike, he would have let us know. But he didn’t. And how do I know? Because his own revenue wasn’t being affected before the strike.