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    ...(including a flawlessly cast Richard Dawkins Richard Dawson)...

    I can’t emphasize this enough – don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. You will regret it. Seriously. Don’t.

    I can’t emphasize this enough – don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. You will regret it. Seriously. Don’t.

    *Higher wages without reducing (or even increasing) profit margin equals higher prices. See the profiteering here, boomers?

    Do. Not. Buy. A. Samsung. Refrigerator. You’ll regret it. You think “how bad could it be? I’m sure they’re at least OK”, but you’re wrong. Don’t.

    Do. Not. Buy. A. Samsung. Refrigerator. You’ll regret it. You think “how bad could it be? I’m sure they’re at least

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. You’ll regret it, and then you’ll remember this warning. Don’t buy one. Ever.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. You’ll regret it, and then you’ll remember this warning. Don’t buy one. Ever.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Don’t do it. You’ll be sorry if you do.

    Don’t buy a Samsung refrigerator. Don’t do it. You’ll be sorry if you do.

    Waiting for the “just a few bad apples” argument in the comments...

    Don’t ever buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. Seriously. You’ll regret it. Mark my words.

    Don’t ever buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. Seriously. You’ll regret it. Mark my words.

    My guess would be that the bubbles simply provide lots of in-air obstacles to the the mosquitoes, preventing them from easily getting to you.

    I think it’s pretty self-explanatory, but sure, if you insist...

    This. Is. Ridiculous.

    While definitely less messy than regular sand, I’m here to tell you that kinetic sand is NOT mess-free. Little clumps of it somehow easily survive in the wilds of the house weeks after it makes an appearance – though multiple vacuumings and dedicated search-and-remove missions.

    I fully agree with the importance of this concept (and also the complete fuck limitations of it), but if that’s the point, then the premise should be “building a productive relationship with your boss”, rather than calling it “managing up”, which implies getting your boss to bend in your direction in some shape or form

    You can call it whatever you want, but at the end of the day, it’s still just dealing with your boss as-is. Where’s the part that’s anything other than managing yourself – your expectations, your behaviors, your reactions, your perspectives?

    Fair enough, but we all know what the author meant and pedantism is the primary food source of trolls.

    This advice isn’t “managing up”, it’s finding a way to deal with however your boss is already.

    Yes, you’re right – what was I thinking. If you used electric blowers, you might have to go slower, change batteries, or *gasp* touch the leaves! I guess we’re all just fortunate that tree leaves didn’t exist or need to be cleaned prior to gas leaf blowers being invented – what would we have done? Lord, we thank you

    Yes, because bad things can always be seen. Take a chemistry class.

    Can you please send this article to literally every landscape maintenance company in the country the world?