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    Don’t ever buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. If you do, mark my words, you’ll regret it.

    Don’t ever buy a Samsung refrigerator. Ever. If you do, mark my words, you’ll regret it.

    You just took it to the next level!

    I’ll refer you to the post I just made about Disney World...

    The point is that raw flour isn’t exactly NOT safe. Romaine lettuce has proven to be a far greater threat, and the number of deaths at Disney World during the same time period leaves it in the dust (35!). How many people are going to be canceling their next family vacation with that new tidbit of info? (https://safer-a

    Since 2006 (the farthest the CDC web site went back) there have been two E. coli outbreaks due to flour in the US – one in 2016 with 63 cases, 17 hospitalizations, and 0 deaths, and one in 2019 with 21 cases 3 hospitalizations, and o deaths.

    Thanks for the context. That, however is FAR from the takeaway presented by the author.

    Table Mountain Fire: April 2022

    Also, Van Wilder.

    Doesn’t have to be a free lunch (yes, I had to look up that acronym) – you could easily pay for it with all of the money spent on scanners and TSA agents that you would no longer need. You could probably pay for it off of the budget for those retractable belt barriers alone.

    I accept your endorsement of my candidacy for President, but you still seem to be missing one of my core points – that if there’s actual benefit to the programs (which you sometimes seem to be saying), then everyone should be able to share in that benefit without having to line somebody’s pockets and create yet

    Not sure anyone’s going to be able to smell the ass of my opinions when yours are stinking up the whole place.

    If it were the default for everyone, it would simplify the airport experience for everyone as well – frequent flyers or not. If it were a free of charge system with an opt-out choice, then that would also cover those that didn’t want to bother with it or had various tin foil hat reasons to not use it.

    I think that would still push it towards hypothesis 2, and that this should be standard (free of charge) for everyone.

    That seems to confirm hypothesis 1

    Good to know – once again I question how helpful that is in protecting our skies, but it also seems like something that the majority of the flying public would qualify for, so we’re right back to it’s either pointless or should be the default for everybody.

    There are only two possibilities with these programs:

    Wouldn’t this be developing an entirely new painting skill, and just using tape would be the life hack?

    OK, but you better come help when I need to move...

    Toyota executive board meeting:

    That settles it – I’m naming my kid Clippy.