Still can’t endorse these terrible slideshows, but those pictures actually made it worth clicking through.
Still can’t endorse these terrible slideshows, but those pictures actually made it worth clicking through.
OJ’s prison time was for a completely separate thing – trying to steal some of his own memorabilia that somebody had legitimately acquired – and that was after he wasn’t the rich and famous guy that was in funny movies anymore.
You definitely win the internet for today. Take all the stars.
Did this a few years ago. I doubt it’s official Walgreens policy, but they refused to give me my printout because it looked too much like a “passport photo”. I told them that’s exactly what it was, and they claimed it violated some BS policy. I told them that I would pay the full passport photo price (I didn’t have a…
Serious question – is there anyone out there that this has actually worked for?
Well then what about incompetence or malfeasance? When Jack Welch spent 20 years cooking the books and “maximizing shareholder value”, only to leave those same shareholders holding the hollowed-out corpse of GE, has he or GE been held accountable to its shareholders? No.
So now investors are absolved from doing their due diligence in researching a company and its leadership, and any company that doesn’t have an already established history of doing something for the public good must remain enslaved to that position until the end of time? Ridiculous. And “directors absolutely have a…
“Sued into oblivion” is very different than, as the article stated, “breaking laws designed to protect stockholders”. There are no laws. There is only very debatable case history, and furthermore, the very existence of B corporation certification flies in the face of the notion that even case history holds. B…
But an imaginary Exxon CEO who decided to give gas away for free, just to be nice, would be breaking laws designed to protect stockholders. Corporations have a legal obligation to be profitable (or “greedy,” if you want to look at it that way.)