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    Take note, Cybertruck stans, of both actual work being done with a truck, and the innovation entirely around the needs of people that do actual work with trucks. (oh, and also of the fact that the truck actually exists)

    Looks like I picked the wrong month to keep drinking...

    So no Beff Jezos? (I have now decided that this will be my new character name for everything until the end of ti... hmmm... Melon Usk?)

    Dirty foil can be recycled, some places don’t accept it.

    Seth Rogen was right.

    I can’t help picturing the conversation...

    Just toss the foil in the recycling, not the garbage, please.

    As somebody who tried this, I think you need to refrain from terms like “DIY investing” and emphasize the “can’t do your own repairs to the property” aspect of it to a much greater degree. This clause is stupid, serves no purpose, and is only designed to keep people down by preventing them from bettering their

    That is NOT Jake form State Farm. That is FAKE from State Farm.

    Thank you for this! I spent quite a while trying to figure this out just a couple of days ago - and didn’t.

    Wow! An actual (and possibly even useful) life hack on Lifehacker! It’s been a long time...

    “I’m sure this article won’t be a slideshow.”

    “I’m sure this article won’t be a slideshow.

    Thank you for this article! Great information!

    Seriously?! An article that’s just a collection of other articles, AND in slideshow form?!

    I don’t want to make a commercial here, but given the current dealer climate, I feel that decency and fairness needs to be lauded when it occurs, and if somebody else can benefit from the information, while simultaneously helping a business that deserves it, then all the better.

    Delta Plus costs $7.99/month, but I hear it has a free trial...

    Wouldn’t that be Wright Brothers fanatics?

    It should be noted that, while your files remain intact through the rollback option, most of your apps DO NOT (especially any that require any kind of additional libraries or processes to run). I can personally attest that Adobe Creative Cloud gets completely obliterated, and then it has zombie library files that