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    He’ll pardon anybody that properly worships him.

    Unfortunately, I’m not sure I’d hold my breath on that...

    More fake whataboutism from a Nazi sympathizer. I know, I know, racists hate to be called “racist”, and Nazis hate to be called “Nazi” – apparently they all can’t handle being yelled at.

    While convincing people to get vaccinated so we can achieve herd immunity is definitely critical, from a practical and personal standpoint, every individual should continue to treat everyone else as infectious until they themselves are vaccinated (most likely twice, with appropriate waiting time as well).

    LOL not TMI, it’s interesting. Report back if the brown noise works, please!

    I heard somewhere that I can’t remember that recreating and playing the tinnitus sound was an effective treatment for it

    Seriously, if you have a choice, please stop with the slideshow-style posts.

    CC: Rudy Giuliani

    Yes, making up a bunch of labels that *you think* excuse you from having say anything real or accurate sure is easier than actually trying to cobble together a coherent argument out of the ‘Merica mush inside your head, isn’t it?

    Except it’s not just his single, specific instance. I can confirm exactly what nramos33 said with two separate large companies (one in the Fortune 500), and I’ll bet, based on the stars he’s gotten, I’m not the only one here either. Obviously every company is a little different, but by and large, HR cannot be trusted

    What about MAGA Warrior IV and Super Covid Rally?

    What about MAGA Warrior IV and Super Covid Rally?

    Has to be said in a Sean Connery voice.

    This app is a bad idea in almost every conceivable way. It should not exist, and since it does, it should be banned.

    Do they make you do the slideshow-style posts?

    For the record, naturopathy is NOT homeopathy.

    I’m in a state using one of those apps. It’s fine and is a nice idea IF the the prevalence of the virus is relatively low. The problem is that a) people have to opt-in (which means the people that aren’t responsible enough to opt-in, are probably the same people not responsible enough to not go around infecting

    Take note G/O Media - you’re not getting your desired effect, and angering your readers.

    Damn. Racists do love themselves some plausible deniability.
