Got anything that blocks their new newsletter popups?
Got anything that blocks their new newsletter popups?
I wish, wish, WISH YouTube would allow you to block specific videos, users, and channels. $Why$they$don’t$is$beyond$me$. They DO, however, allow you to select “Don’t Recommend Chanel” on items, so if you’re wiling to spend a significant amount of effort working to curate the account (absolutely needs to be separate…
Not sure, but I guarantee that killing Sling will be used as part of the argument that they’re not going to monopolize the market. Also, unless Elizabeth Warren is in charge of the FTC, they’re probably going to go back to reading their book and waving the merger through with one hand, which they’ve reliably done…
And what are YOU doing to stop it, Priest?
Sling Media is now pulling the plug on the Slingbox
100% vape smoke.
Or get BetterTouchTool, and make your touchbar into the actually useful thing it should be. With a touchbar that looks how and does what you want, you’ll be happy to see it1!
Can you do an article on how to block video Lifehacker posts?
As this is “Evil Week”, I feel compelled to ask, could you pay your student loans with credit cards, and then declare bankruptcy, with the CC debt being easier to discharge?
It’s infuriating how hard all of the phone makers make it to record phone calls – something that should be basic and included with every phone. I get that they don’t want to be held liable for the illegal recordings somebody makes, but they’re not held liable for all of the other bad things people do with their…
Came to say this. These things are the best!
While you do indeed need to be careful with the sharp bits, the easiest route is, after chopping it up, flip it over, bang it on the lid, and open. Most of it can be scraped right off the lid, and if you don’t want to mess with the stuff inside, just skip it. As for cleaning, just open it up, run it under the tap, and…
I tried 2 different Green Pan ceramics. Both gave off some sort of noxious odor and had to go. The best pans I’ve found so far are T-Fal ceramics. They are tough, cook very well, are dishwasher safe (ish), and (with the exception of one pan) hold their non-stickiness.
I tried 2 different Green Pan ceramics. Both gave off some sort of noxious odor and had to go. The best pans I’ve…
Never too soon! ‘Merica!
Nobody’s taking away my right as an American to wrap my food how I want. They can pry my potato foil from my cold dead hands. The president told me that if I top my potatoes with Clorox, the botulism will magically go away anyway.
Irony poisoning
“Crapshoot.” Heh.