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    Congratulations! You’re now my favorite troll! You just made me $20 – $10 for claiming that those papers didn’t prove anything (with the insult), but then you came through with a rehash of one of your previous insults on the second post, so $10 more for me!

    Frailty, thy name is HamsterOnAPiano! You’ll spend an entire page justifying your actions, and say that it’s out there for everyone to read (which it is – and yes everybody, I do know that we’re BOTH being juvenile), but still all you can do is assail me and my evidence without providing anything of substance of your

    Hey, you can try and flip the script all you want, simply saying that I’m projecting doesn’t make it true (actually, it’s a common tactic for trolls to use to defend themselves and prevent having to justify any of their stances).

    That’s right! I don’t have any power over you! Nobody does! And you’ll prove it! You’ll show them all! You’ll make them all pay for making fun of you!

    “you need to work on your scientific literacy” said the guy who already determined that this was tin-foil hat material without a shred of investigation or discussion. Gotcha. Yeah, I’ll definitely be working on that.

    OK, now that one wasn’t even up to your (remarkably low) standards. You really need to work on your follow-through.

    I’m truly in awe. You couldn’t have proven my point any better. Is there somewhere you go to get a troll handbook, or did you just decide all on your own that copying the other guy and digging into the insult well one more was going to prove your superiority?

    I don’t know, you seem to be paying quite a bit of attention to something that you claim is stupid – all without even providing one sentence about why it’s crazy BS. It’s almost like you’re just another troll that would rather score those “look at me, I insulted a stranger” points than engage in anything resembling

    Glad to see you really grasped the concept of the comment to which you’re replying – it’s OK to ask a grown-up for help if you need to...

    Is this seriously what trolls think about themselves?! That they’re some sort of enlightened vigilante, saving the world from crazies and idiots, one artificially self-righteous comment at a time? I’ll at least give you credit – once presented with something to read you actually did – and engaged in something

    Holy crap - you’re actually capable of real, coherent thought, instead of just hurling random insults! Awesome! Everything you brought up are great points!

    Actually, I expected you to be an anti-vaxxer, with that “I don’t need no book learnin’ stuff tellin’ me what to do” attitude. I’m sure we’re definitely better off with your lineage, though it’s gotta be hard for them all to find enough lead paint to eat anymore... anything less would be for pussies.

    I forget... are you the pot or the kettle?

    You’re right. I stand humbled by the mighty prose of “Please say you are joking and youre (<-no apostrophe) not this dumb.” You’re really adding the substance this conversation needed.

    And yet here we are with your only contribution being different flavors of *bro voice* “that’s dumb”. Are all your contributions this insightful?

    Ahh, but if you think that this is dumb, then you did.

    You’re right. There’s never unforeseen ramifications to any of the products and technologies we use. If the companies say it’s safe, then it must be safe, right?

    I could ask the same of you...

    As long as you pin them in place, you should be fine.