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    While I’m sure there’s places like that that are just looking to make a buck off of something like this, the info is real. And yes, even if you’re not a cashier you’re exposed to a ton of the stuff even from one receipt.

    Receipts are almost always from thermal printers that use paper that has either BPA or BPS as a fine powder, which makes it easily absorbed by the body. Both of these are estrogen mimicking chemicals, and may be contributing to a large number of health problems, including the decline in male fertility in developed

    Google Hangouts (not to be confused with Google+ or any of their other crap). Works cross-platform, and is just as good/better than the others.

    It’s what plants crave.

    Wrong enough to write an article about it...

    Best. Headline. Ever.

    My opinion is that it’s all about teaching your kids to understand their audience. It’s useless to try and keep them from swearing altogether, but they need to know where it’s OK, and where it’s not. With their friends, you’re crazy if you think they’re not doing it, but they need to know that they can never utter

    How about helping Russians specifically target groups of people to get a Manchurian idiot elected to the highest office in the land, and bringing countless crooked cronies with him to undermine virtually every institution in this country? Is that real-world enough?

    Fixed it for you...

    What a pathetic vomit! The King of All Cosmos is not impressed!

    This is definitely an off-beat story.

    John Elway?

    Well, I have to say I’m shocked. For the first time, the answer wasn’t a blanket “yes, tip at least 20%, and you’re a jerk for asking”! Maybe even The Salty Waitress can evolve... wow!

    Using eminent domain for private initiatives is a terrible, unjust practice and should be illegal. Clearly, this deal stank to high hell and never should have happened. If this now helps shine a light on that, then great.

    Glad you know how the firefighters got there, know when they were due back, and know that lots of paperwork gets filled out while flames are close enough to endanger said car.

    Just heard a story on the radio about a man who’s wheelchair-bound wife was in the fire zone and firefighters wouldn’t let him in to get her. He was able to talk to her on the phone for a few days (so there clearly was time), but then the lines didn’t work anymore. She’s dead now.