
Got this game for PC and I gotta say, the fun comes with playing with your friends. Its boring as hell on your own, but man when you get 3 buddies to form a squad and start doing missions or even just doing silly things and trying to survive an onslaught of Unidad officers, you’re in for a good time.

Well put and thanks for some elaboration! Few things:

They actually aren’t, that is until a legal precedent is set. Right now in a court of Law as it stands, Nintendo would more than likely lose against this particular youtuber if Lawyer power was equal on both sides. When something is under fair use and is considered a transformative work, you lose out on legal rights

Didn’t Amazon and Nintendo have some sort of beef during the Wii-U era? I could have sworn Amazon stopped selling Nintendo hardware for a while and were shittalking them behind the scenes. Some remnants of that crappy relationship mayhaps?

Sacrificing life in exchange for glory is a common line of thinking within League’s competitive scene.

If I could take the cancer for these poor kids and shove it up the ass of the thieves, I would do it 10 fold. People like this ARE CANCER.

Now playing

As much as I love Power Rangers, sometimes its just best to forget it exists and remember Sentai....then remember Ninninger was a thing

Ya’ll must be new to fighting games.....

...appealing to casuals is a mistake? That’s.... well, dumb. That’s what they SHOULD be doing. It worked for the wii,

You just described the Wii launch. Perhaps my memory’s bad but I recall that working out pretty darn well for them

Correct and an incredible failure for the Wii-U. Soooo its anyone’s guess where it will go now lol

Appealing to casuals, ignoring Metroid, promoting Just Dance, having barely anything scheduled for launch, etc. etc.

So here’s the thing, if you CHOOSE not to upgrade the hard drive which is super easy, then you don’t get to complain. Its like complaining your PC ran out of space or your iphone is full but you do absolutely nothing to fix it.

Complaining about Torb and Symm....can I assume you’re a console player? This isn’t a jab at you or anything but there’s a HUGE difference between Torb on PC and console and frankly on console he’s much more of a threat due to the control scheme.

That cliche gay Zarya would severely piss off Russia. There was never a chance that it was going to be her.

I played it and loved it.....but have stopped since. Not because it got boring, but because I beat/played most of the games already! Its like the launch of any new device. At launch there tends to be a lack of games and once you play/try them all at least once you run out of games. I’m just waiting on some new stuff

People bought a $499 Xbox one with a garbage forced Kinect and an overpriced PS3 at $599. Pretty sure some fans would buy a $600 -$700 Scorpio. Scorpio won’t be made for the common poor gamer. It will be made for the upper class.

Don’t be TOO sad.....Powerstone is made by Capcom.....any one of those characters could be viable.

We take cheating very seriously. “Play nice; play Pharah”