Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!
Playstation FOOOUUURRRR!
Umm, There are going to be Winnie the Pooh Minigames in Kingdom Hearts 3! If gamers can’t get excited about that then I don’t know what to tell you.
The answer is simple, really. The marketing firm my company worked with did a post-mortum analysis of the blunder and present a simple analysis:
I wonder if when this guy does to bed he has...REM sleep.
“We apologize for not allowing crossplay. Unfortunately, our gamers are too busy playing our vast library of first party titles instead of the same shit that’s on every other system.”
I am so sick of devs being asked, every three seconds, about Switch versions of everything. This sort of port begging is absolutely disgusting. If they started asking them about PS4 versions for every Switch title, everyone would make a big stink about it, but since Nintendo can do no wrong to the Orthodox…
Here’s some input from an actual black person who happens to have been born and raised in a country directly neighboring the one that spawned the film that this meme is based on.
Since someone already pulled you out of the greys, I’m gonna argue this for demonstration purposes:
Like Scalebound? Oops.
“We were blacklisted for reporting on information that was leaked to us, not information that was under embargo.”
so maybe don’t report on leaked information.. seems simple.
1- Bethesda isn’t making you play through the game fast, your desire to publish fast is to blame for your rush.
You just happen to be a pot calling a kettle black, that’s all
“For all the financial support Sarkeesian and her project received, she also received harassment and fierce criticism, much of it from people intolerant of even her generally mild critique of video games and hawkishly scouring her work for possible errors or missing counter-examples.”
This was probably the easiest…
And then there’s the correct solution. Go wired. IMO the only thing that should ever be wireless are portable devices.
But it wasn’t a mistake, though.
A few points...