Sports gear getting banned, and Alinity still exists. Ya wonder why no one knows wtf Twitch is thinking a lot of the time?
Sports gear getting banned, and Alinity still exists. Ya wonder why no one knows wtf Twitch is thinking a lot of the time?
Legit question, when did Garfield become a creepypasta?
Right but then it goes back to my point. Gotta link your Epic account to steam, then gotta buy stuff via the epic store instead of steam. The reason this is such a different beast is because Rocket League was NOT originally owned by Epic unlike Fortnite which ran on Epics everything since its start. Rocket League on…
While we can all hope that’s the case, “support” can mean anything. It can mean they will patch the game but never give DLC on the platform. It can mean that FUTURE DLC would require you to move from Steam to Epic (for free of course!) otherwise you get nothing new. Support could mean that they act like they’ve never…
The MMA comments, while completely shitty in her explanations, her point is correct. As someone who participated in wrestling in my younger years where we were allowed to wrestle anyone of any gender, as a guy it was unfair for the women and you could see it. Even if we were in the same weight class, the physical…
Because sadly they chose the Black ranger sentinel who isn’t the Black Ranger. Its one of Drakkon’s guards.
Well put it this way. Tommy is in the game as the Green Ranger. There’s also Lord Drakkon....who is also Tommy from an alternate universe. He plays NOTHING like the Green Ranger. We also have Jason and Kim as an alternate skin and neither play like Tommy. So you get a good variety here.
They also could have had him as a Netflix junkie, and if so I doubt we would be saying it was “A collection of tired stereotypes about tv watchers.”
Thanks for tryin em, so we don’t have to
Welp, now im tearing at the office. THANKS!
Between Figmas and Figuarts you can get some really awesome stuff going. Surprised he didn’t do a full Kamen Rider animation (saw the Zi-O walking cameo though!)
Hong Jin Young is the queen of trot! Love that woman. She’s so unapologetically herself and her MVs are always hilarious!
You know the irony of it all? Inceneroar on PAPER is Fire/Dark. You see his design? You play him in Smash? He’s 100% Fire/Fighting. He’s a god damn wrestler. You know they wanted him to be fighting and didn’t do it out of fear of backlash. Here’s hoping this little bunny doesn’t get roided out again.
He also co-created two sons, Itsuki and Ryunosuke.
This looks pretty awesome! One MAJOR complaint. Its 2019.....why are we still using Game Boy chiptune sound effects for Pokemon? USE. VOICE. ACTORS. I’m sick of hearing REEE REWWWWWWW when my Pokemon gets thrown out.
Apex Legends got its first update on February 13th, and with it came Valentine’s Day-themed cosmetics.
I read. And this is a problem with crossplay, like I stated. Imparity. When you make a game crossplay it has to work EXACTLY the same across all those platforms or you get stuff like this. I don’t know why its ok to release gimped versions of games that have crossplay. Either they are the same or they don’t crossplay.…
wE WaNT CROssPlAy! wE WaNT CROssPlAy! wE WaNT CROssPlAy!