We call them Memberbeans. Member when there were only 151 Pokemon? Member missingo? I member.....
We call them Memberbeans. Member when there were only 151 Pokemon? Member missingo? I member.....
Right, but lest we forget RNG favoring folks like the above mentioned who got it in 10 minutes. Terrible chances but I did it for a good total of 5 hours before giving up and wanting to actually PLAY the game XD
Yes you can, but its the same deal. Completely random. More than likely your first dozen eggs will come out regular color. There is an off chance you can get a shiny from an egg though....actually I don’t know if you can do it but I would assume you could feasibly just save before you think an egg will hatch, let it…
I was soft resetting for hours and never got my shiny starter :(
To be fair, places like Twitch can also ban you for having this stuff streamed. Seems like Ubi didn’t think it would be an issue. Whoops.
AUGH! Anjali. Love her.
If you read Cecelia’s other article, she downright marks Keijo as something that is a terrible mark on the history of anime but its doing the exact same thing. Fan-service. Yuri on Ice is fan-service for women while Keijo is fan-service for men. Keep in mind that while Yuri’s physical showing of homosexuality is not…
Fair points. I mean there is definitely more characterization when you put the dick to the face but can’t put the tits to her face. In all seriousness, I just don’t like to see people try to promote things like this anime as revolutionary or groundbreaking when in reality its doing the EXACT same thing Keijo is doing…
Game boy - > Game boy color added....color, better battery
And the title of the video: “GTA V Mod: Samsung....” Like yeah its shitty Samsung did this but are you kidding with this?
Now THIS is how you do criticisms right. Looking at something for what it is and who the audience is before passing judgments. Then when you DO pass judgments, you question why does it exist/happen and if it should be acceptable. Few things though:
If you watch Free! you’ll see what I mean. The fan-service for women into yaoi and such is much more subtle. From waht I saw nothing was outright “HERE’S OUR DICKS!” but there’s a lot of muscle-bound six pack abs showing. I’ll put it this way, when it very blatently ends up on a body-pillow, It’s very possible that…
That wasn’t speaking on all animes. That was speaking on this one. Keijo itself is definitely flashy action boobs with small words. Hence its major focus on the T&A
I mean everyone is free to be offended by whatever. Its just a lot don’t look into the whole picture and only see one side. So while she has a point about how the subject of the anime is a bit degrading, she isn’t looking at the entire picture. That is to say, the subject of the anime vs the audience its intended for.
That kind of proves my point though. The gay-innuendo filled fan-service with deep characterization aimed at women that is Free! contains a REAL sport with REAL character development and characterization. Conversely the anime/manga Keijo!!!!! aimed at men is more HURR DURR BOOBS BUTTS! YOU KNOW YOU WANT IT!
Thanks for the reply! I wasn’t trying to be super snarky about it either, really was just curious as to your opinion from the flip side of things. Its funny you mention men judged by intelligence because unlike this anime which seems to be mostly based on fan-service with some characterization for entertainment, Free!…
To be totally fair, the author of this blog is not telling you how to think. She’s pulling an Eric Cartman. “I’m just asking the questions!” Notice she poses it as a question rather than flat out saying “THINK THIS WAY!” Its “Why aren’t we....”
Very fair points. So this means we should write off Free! as well for being fanservice to women for objectifying boys and homosexuality right?