
Mass Effect says hi. You know how many years that game took to develop? How about Mass effect 2, Mass effect 3? What about games like Dragon Age? Hell ANYTHING by Bioware where you can choose male or female character leads. Now look at Assassin's Creed. Devleopment time = 2 years, max. Usually 1-1.5 They are a yearly

Yikes! Not to be rude, but prepare to be left with nothing in the coming years. They'll stop supporting last gen soon....if not really soon if E3 was any indication.

Good. Because nothing could be worse than the shitty camera that was for Mario 64. At least I hope I'd do better.....

Funny thing is, the Wii U is currently dead, but Smash will bring life back into the system guaranteed. Come this December it will be a fantastic year for Nintendo, if not Sony and Microsoft too.

But had this come out on Vita, it would also be cross-system no? Not trying to devalue your point because you make a very valid one here. But it just seems a bit moot if you were already planning on getting it on current gen because you have an XBox One.

Damn, we got some butthurt fanboys out there. This coming from a staunch owner and supporter of the Vita. Am i the only Vita owner who isn't all that bummed about this?

Brilliant. Can't recommend enough. Also notice how no one will comment on it because it actually is a solid argument against their picket signs.

Smash is the only reason really. Its a wordwide played tournament game, now a regular part of the biggest fighting game tournament in the world at EVO. Streaming is a must for Smash, if not only for Smash.

Funny part of that little video you posted, most of those trailers included females.

You didn't play the game did you? Where the hell you getting this blank slate crap from?

I know this is awesome, and I hate shitting on people's parades.....but just to clarify, this happened years ago. Although to be fair not in the same game.

If Bay directs, expect lots of this

Umm.....what's with the audio?

Not to downplay the awesomeness of this, but they've brought a batmobile to many E3s already.

Considering Project Spark will most likely be a E-E10 rated game, look forward to a "Diddy Kong Racing" Conker instead of the Bad Fur Day Conker.

Ok, not disagreeing or agreeing with the article at hand, but since when were reviews ever opinions? Looking up the definition its an analysis, not an opinion. You're supposed to use facts of what is there and what isn't not make up issues or ignore them right? I just start to wonder when it became okay to trash

That is the absolute worst way to not be able to go.....sorry about that dude.

Correct, but if you're going to review a game, you MUST play every way possible or your opinion becomes less and less reliable and valid.

Unpolished? How so? GTA Polished? Its Rockstar....I hope you're joking about that. GTA V had some of the most insane game bugs imaginable. I Don't even need to link a video. How about how GTA V had what....3 heists? 4? I forget. That was the best part of the game. Why so few?