
Its a side-effect of Kotaku getting denied an early copy of the game. Kotaku must have done something to piss off Ubisoft, so they didnt' get an early copy. Because of this Kirk had to rush through the game in order to get a review out. He played it guns blazing. Its definitely a way to play the game but you can't do

Not sure you get it. Its a gaming website, why are we bringing political non-existent issues from this game into the review of a video game? What does it have to do with games? Answer: Nothing.

Exactly, but that shows how interchangeable and the pointlessness of those side activities really were. Can't even remember who could do what ;) I don't blame you, I forgot a lot too haha.

I'm a frequent visitor of Kotaku. I don't just come for reviews. I read the other articles, comment, discuss with others. Clearly you are just here to troll.

See but how is it not tied in? Lets ignore the mini-games since those obviously were just for fun. Similar to GTA how it made no sense that Franklin went golfing at a ritzy club. Lets focus on the side content that is relevant to the game. Within the first half hour of the game you are referred to as "The Vigilante."

Opinions are fine on games, when they are based on facts. However his opinions seem off base, like he never even played the game. No talk of the stealth aspects of the game, no talk about how awesome it is to black out an entire city block and dodge the cops. No instead its "We didn't get an early copy to review, so

Bad gameplay, bad story, bad graphics.

That's what I'm a bit frustrated with this review about. He's making it seem like its not fun. It is fun! If you need a really generic comparison, its a more varied and exciting GTA.

Oh that's why I brought it up. I agree with it! That being said, not enough of a reason to shit on a game IMO.

This is one of the worst reviews I've read on this site. And that's not to comment on Kirk's reviews as a whole because usually I agree with most of them. Clearly you're playing the game wrong. Can't tell you how many times I escaped areas or infiltrated a secured building without shooting a single bullet. Helicopter

Keep in mind this is Kotaku, take EVERY review with HUGE giant salt shakers. 9/10 their opinions are fueled by some hidden agenda behind it, hence the making mention of "Where's the black and female protagonists herp derp!"

Are they really that horrible? I had the Watermelon ones and they were surprisingly a weird way.

Now playing

Not sure if it matters 100% but people still definitely care enough to do things like this:

Now playing

Came into this post thinking it was related to this.....

I haven't said this for any Nintendo product in years......I NEEED THIS.

I dunno man. Imagine being able to deny in LoL, laners would suffer HARD if they were denied.

The thing that caught my eye, I don't even fucking remember Iron Fist being an X-men.

My point is, tons of hoolpah raised about this video game cover, absolutely none about a movie. Same exact subject matter (that's controversial). Not necessarily pointing exactly at you, just others like you who are "outraged" by the cover.