
Yet they were fine with those scenes of Platt being beaten in the movie. Makes sense ;)

Games don't exist in a vacuum - it has to be taken in to context with the rest of society.

But why is it not a good idea? This is my point. People shout "RACIST RACIST!" Ok, what's racist about it? No one has said why except that they think the main antagonist is gay and enslaves people. So what? Its a video game. Like I said in a different comment. Look at a movie like 12 Years a Slave. everyone LOVES it

You're damn right i'm ripping pissed. Its chumps like you who don't even play the games that bitch and moan about "OMG ITS SO OFFENSIVE CHANGE IT" and things get ruined. Much like this cover. Its now a dude sitting on a chair. Congrats.

Lets put it this way. First and foremost, if you are not of the ethnicity of the "slave" in this cover, then you do not get to call the racist card. At all. Already I guarantee 90% of the people bitching are not of the ethnicity. So why are they saying its racist? Are they racist themselves and are trying to clean

So do movies. So 12 Years a Slave is a racist film. Therefore, those awards should be stripped from it and everyone should shit on every single creator of that movie. Get your head out of your ass.

Then its interpreted wrong. They need to get over it or don't buy it. This coming from an Asian who that cover is possibly being racist against supposedly. Its not racist, anyone who thinks it is racist is racist themselves. Case closed.

Did I ever tell you the definition of imagination....

Is no one else seeing a Ninja Turtle nose?

Since you mentioned flailing.....

Link to what? Click on the "YouTube" icon at the bottom right of the video and it will take you there. If you mean the original video, youtube search for "Big shake"

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Can't forget about the classic Snoop's Dreamland 3

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So it was perhaps a given that Borderlands 2 on Vita wouldn't feel as good as it did on, say, PC. But as Killzone Mercenary demonstrated, it is possible to have better/decent first-person shooter controls on the Vita. While some of Borderlands 2's custom control schemes are better than others, none are as good as the

I love you so much for making that comparison. Ahh the Metal series. I swear I need to find those Kamen Rider x Super Sentai x Metal movies....seeing Gavan pop out of nowhere in Go-Busters surprised the hell out of me.

I was shocked finding myself saying the same thing. I've grown to HATE CoD as of late. I always bought it used just to play with my friends and family, but year after year it just got worse. This one...looks different and that's a good thing.