
Well said and I get what your saying. The reason I made the married comment is because you made that comment starting out. If you didn't want me to make assumptions about it you wouldn't make it sound like it mattered. "I'm married so friendzone is bullshit because I am a nerd and I'm married!" is how it came off.

Commented before on a Nerdlove note on this, will comment on yours.

Now playing

Going the way of DOTA2 with custom announcer packs....and frankly this is a DLC i think is worth it hahah!

Found myself too busy jammin to miss A during this video.

Right, but every time I see it referenced its always similar to how the author said:

I can agree with that top paragraph, although to be fair, the blame falls on both whether it be a wussy guy or a oblivious girl.

Mmmm love the comment with the anonymous icon assuming they know me.

Why do people always dismiss the friend zone as a situation in wanting sex only? Seriously if I wanted sex I'd fuck a random girl.

Looks like we have use for this gif sooner than expected

If you're going to want to show you're the best, show some guts and start playing with a wider range of game elements, both you and your opponent have equal chance of having stuff happen to you.

Yeah I think so too. Also if you're playing strategically, play For Glory ;)

Palkia and Dialga had some infamously crazy stage changing moves in the Pokemon stage where controls would become reversed or the stage would flip. You get caught in the wrong spot at the wrong time, you're dead for no legit reason. How about those stages where things just appear? Lasers come flying at you on Lylat

Thing is, Kotaku keeps leaving out the last part Sakurai mentioned with getting banned. "Baseless reports" will get you banned too. Not sure how automated the system is so it will be interesting to see.

There are definitely items you can anticipate and prepare for. There are some you just can't. That's where the "no skill" aspect comes from. There are some items which will literally take up 3/4 of the screen and instant KO you and you can't dodge it. I get your point though.

Good points. Keep in mind though if you can prepare for something, its not really random. There are quite literally things that happen in a game like Smash that are "random" (or some techie folks will argue that there is an algorithm running in the back) where things will appear, disappear, or kill you without you

Totally agreed, so that's why I highly doubt that those who focus on 1 pro player vs 3 weaker ones they won't get in trouble for it.

No I can see that point of view. The thing is, if you're measuring skill, random elements removes this. Its like a Basketball game where randomly a team will be chosen to get to have 6 players on the court at once. You don't know when but you know it will happen 2 times in a game, and it can happen to the same team.