Precisely. This kicks Microsoft in their asses to fix stuff thats busted. Once (if) they take the lead, PlayStation will have to do the same.
Precisely. This kicks Microsoft in their asses to fix stuff thats busted. Once (if) they take the lead, PlayStation will have to do the same.
I get your point....but are you seriously comparing OnLive to PlayStation? That's a joke right?
Gotta practice that run down when you're called down! Oh yeahhhh!!
lol its kind of an internet meme in case you weren't aware. Hence the joke video someone replied to me below
did I really just make that mistake? holy shit. Thanks for catching that for me LOL
What strngh but dawnt foget dat dere are many guys rike yoo all ova da word
I spy a grump! Nay, a GAME GRUMP
Just because there's no lawsuit doesn't mean its legal lol. Think about it this way. Its like me recording a TV show, re-streaming it with ads, and making money off of it. You wouldn't question that I was stealing from them right? Its the same concept.
Very true, and the legal confusion is what will cause the biggest problems with this. The way YouTube is breaking laws right now is that they are monetizing off of user's content without their explicit permission (aka they aren't making money also). This is due to them taking away ad revenue from the creators and…
But yes they have. The vast majority HAVE given permission
What you're stating here is the problem right now and you comprehend it perfectly. Right now these 3rd party (mostly music companies) are "illegally" making ad revenue (due to copyright claiming the videos) off of YouTube creators content who happened to use the music companies music "illegally" in their monetized…
Bingo Greenskye. Star for you. This is exactly the problem. The ironic part, is that these 3rd parties claiming they own the video content, are doing the exact same copyright infringement by using someone else's content t make money.
Correct! I don't remember saying LPs were protected. I said REVIEWERS were. Not sure if you are speaking directly to me or to others in this thread, but just to clarify, I know LPs are gray areas right now. Why? Because in law fair use was made for books and then later applied to movies. For both of these mediums the…
Actually, YouTubers are more like sports players than you think. They indeed do have contracts that restrict what YouTube can do in terms of changing things. There are also contracts with the big partnered multimedia channels who hire the smaller guys.
Correct. In the end YouTube will always benefit because as long as someone is using their service as well as viewing it, they get money, regardless of who makes what and who owns what. This is why to me it seems incredibly shady.