
Oh yeah absolutely, again I agree with you. I don't think I was questioning that at all.....if I worded it as such I apologize. YouTube is well within their rights to take down anything put on YouTube. What I find ethically and possibly legally questionable is the fact that YouTube is still monetizing off of these

Agreed. That would not be transformative at all. But someone like Angry Joe or Nostalgia Critic (ironically the same group of folks) both do the same thing except one does one for movies the other for video games. Why is one allowed to get away with it but another not?

Again questionable. Look at Pat the NES punk. He sells his reviews on DVD and his intro song is the song "Bad Reputation" by Joan Jett. Uses the first guitar riff intro and as of right now its legal. Now note that he did cut down the length in order to avoid such copyright issues, so again I don't see the issue.

A few weeks ago, you'd be right. but now.......

Correct. But that's not what they're doing. Right now Google (and the 3rd parties) are making money off of this content by monetizing it for themselves. Instead of taking it down, they're taking their money

Its only maintenance if it matters. If they didn't care (aka flexed their legal muscle) they wouldn't need to maintain anything. Their past algorithm would've been fine. They're giving themselves more to do by adding something no one requested. Not even the game companies.

Interesting. So do they say its fair use? It sounds to me like they're saying "you've been warned." I would hope they would at least help out those youtube singers because frankly YouTube got many of them started. Either that or there is some underhanded dealings going on where YouTube supports its musical artists but

You're probably right unfortunately. But at least then a precedence would be set and then all LPers would be aware. Right now there is no legal law saying what they're doing is illegal, yet YouTube is taking precautions in a bit of a "the sky is falling oh noes here comes the lawsuits" kind of way. I have yet to hear

Because if you can't quote anything, I"ll assume you're wrong in this instance, that's all. I am genuinely curious because if what you say is true then this also makes song covers illegal right? Justin Bieber should be arrested and fined according to that law. Any famous YouTube artist should be arrested and fined.

Fair points. Keep in mind though, MegaUpload is back up and running. Not only that but MegaUpload was literally taking copyrighted content and re-releasing it. Again you and many others seem to be confusing this with what is happening now. What is happening now is not copyrighted content being just re-released. Its

Interesting, I didn't know this. Can you show me a law where it says exactly that music can never be used under fair use law? If so I'll gladly admit being wrong. In addition, most of these music companies 100% do not own the rights to the music. The game companies compose them and own them. What these music companies

That's if movie companies gave them assets. There were times where certain clips (not given to them) were taken from the movie in order to further their points of criticism. Like a horribly stupid line or terrible scene. Movie companies could have tried suing them, but obviously with fair use they could not.

There are many counter arguments. The main argument companies would have is "Well he just talked over our game, that's not creative enough!" This would be at the judge's discretion to decide "Well clearly this experience is made even better with their commentary and jokes, I'll allow it!" or "All they do is make dick

Actually I agree with you (and apologies for the insult, i'm just passionate about this) where you talk about the legal battles. Google is in no way obligated to go up to bat for their users (if it would even happen, seriously who would have the balls to challenge google?) The problem is they are throwing their

To be fair, 60% of my subscribed channels on YT are gaming channels ;) Channels like Game Grumps, Maximilian, Screwattack, AVGN, hell even more obscure guys like Angry Joe, DSP, etc. So for me the sky is kind of falling because my favorite content creators may go under simply because of YouTube's idiocy.

Correct. So far they have been following the rules, otherwise youtube would have taken them down/fired them years ago no? Right now YouTube is making up rules, which of course is causing the problems.

But here's the thing, the gaming companies absolutely support LPs. Did you not see the tweets from Naughty Dog? Capcom? Deep Silver? They WANT the free advertising. They have explicitly given permission to YouTubers to continue using their content.

Again what you're describing isn't what YouTubers are doing. You're either terrible at reading comprehension or just stupid.

It doesn't matter. Legally, by law, its the same thing right now. No legal precedence has been set yet saying "Well internet videos are different." Right now in black and white, as long as content creators are well within under fair use (reviewers for sure are 100% protected here), there is no question that this is in

Correct, my mistake. But Content creators are indeed their customers.