Baka Dana!

Drunk. ✔️

I am now trying to give him cancer with my mind.

Addams Family Values is one of my favorite movies. This exchange always makes me laugh:

Going to rep Wichita, Kansas here. You can blame way too much poor fast food across America on our little city (Pizza Hut started here as did White Castle even though WC has been gone from here for over 40 years).

Won’t someone think of the gay childrens’ youth??

This is the prison version of “he deserved it”

If I was out walking and actually saw Tom Hardy walking one of his adorable dogs I think I would just pass out on the spot from my brain short-circuiting. “Cute dog?! Cute man?! Who do I talk to? WHO DO I TRY TO PET? CAN’T. FUNCTION. SHUTTING. DOWN.”

Aww I want to pet his d...og.

Tam Hardy can neighborhood watch me any time he pleases.

So his defense is that his counsel didn’t blame the victim enough?

“Just follow the laws and don’t get arrested and accept the consequences when you do get caught breaking the law” -Rich White Men

“Well I think it’s unfair. Throw more money at it to go away. This is going to ruin my future. Please give me some leniency” - also Rich White Men

“I am not a racist.”

It’s Kansas so it could just as easily been a thriving metropolis 6 years ago before Sam Brownback was elected governor.

Crack a book, people. Then you’d know there’s no fucking point to watching this moving forward. It’s all downhill plotwise. Though there aren’t any bare nipples in books without pictures so I’ll still be tuning in.

I had a devout, pious Catholic girl at my high school who refused to take any philosophy courses because “it messes with your mind.”

I know that much of domestic violence goes unreported, but as a single, middle-age women, I have started to conduct background checks on any man I decide to become involved with. I don’t care if others think it’s a violation of personal privacy. With so much violence, financial fraud etc. I have to protect myself. I

I miss Obama.

“...since you’d never try to mass market a female contraception method before having long term trials to prove that it’s not irreversible.”

Most of these have been around for decades which proves that we will never see male birth control ever. Men will never develop anything that can make them responsible for pregnancies. Make women solely responsible for conception that strip them of all pre-natal and post-natal care. That’s the american way. That’s mens

“I love that museum, and they have where you can try on the hoop skirts, and I thought that was so much fun because I had never thought about the physicality of wearing one of those big Victorian dresses but it changes your whole way of existing in space.”

You know.... I wonder if a hoop skirt would help a person