Baka Dana!

Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer has objected to employees working remotely, stating that they’re “more collaborative and innovative when they’re together.”

If tomorrow all my things were gone

I'm married but I took today off work and my husband is traveling, so it was pretend single day. Slept in, masturbated, played silly computer games, cooked new recipes, and after the gym I just took a bath with bath bombs while wearing a face mask, drinking hard cider, eating cheese and pretzels, and watching Doctor

It's obviously your own fault for not having a penis.

Pele loves assholes like that, they taste like chicken.

That sounds like some kind of sub-brand mentality. Like get Ronda Rousey to be their spokesperson:

The invitations to my November 2001 wedding were mailed on September 10, 2001. The wedding venue? Windows on the World.

I'm one of those "and a diet coke" people, but only because I hate the taste of regular coke. If I need the caffeine, I'm going to order a diet coke no matter what I'm eating. #notalldietcoke

So at this place, everything tastes like ham?

Why is Rihcaprio true and this a lie? Why can't we have nice things?

I always wanted a Power Wheel Car as a kid. All the kids on my street had them and would drive up and down the street, I was so jealous. That is all I would talk about for what felt like years. I was obsessed. Well one time at Sam's Club they had one on display, a pink barbie jeep. So I got up and promptly told my

They used to have an excellent lemon cream cookie called a Chalet. It was wonderful. They nixed it for reasons unknown to me...not too long before they starting trying to make the cookies "healthier".

Wow. Just wow. I'm floored at the level of cluelessness and questionable decision-making on display here.

and I have absolutely no regrets whatsoever about the fact that I will probably not see my 60th birthday.

I'm just impressed that you managed to restrain yourself from folding his underwear into the tiniest possible little square and then shoving it right up his ass.

Sometimes it's not clear just how bad your relationship is until you experience something more normal. That can be a huge wake up call.

"When he's not representing his district, Kurcaba is a financial consultant — not a doctor, a psychologist, or a person capable of ever getting pregnant. "

It's like the old saying: