You shut your god damn mouth.
You shut your god damn mouth.
Acknowledging that no one else may read this, much less find it of any interest, this is my abandoned mall story:
I think hubby’s wife’s friend’s comment was inexcusably gross and absolutely merits her being uninvited. And it’s weird that the wife is so afraid of confronting her friend for her gross behavior. I think this speaks to a larger problem either in the marriage or at least on the part of the wife. Everything else you’re…
Reggie Jackson was there too, to assassinate the Queen.
Five bees for a quarter, we’d say!
I heard he has a pilot for a sitcom where he, John Laroquette, and some kid all play the same character. What could go wrong?
The healing has begun already!
The creators of Will & Grace & Roseanne: “Yeah, flash forwards aren’t really a good idea.”
Nobody interviewed her boobs which are their own entity.
I have several celebrity followers as well. Well, celebrity’s attorneys. And they don’t follow me on instagram, so much as track me via my court-ordered GPS ankle monitor. But it’s basically the same thing.
Davidson and Jones’ popularity despite doing anything interesting boggles my mind.
“The Uploader has not made this video available in your country”
I too found it annoying how Rory treated Paris as a nuisance rather than a friend. No offense Rory, it’s not like you have that many friends. The new ones you do have didn’t even want you around anymore until Paris had to step in.
Is that the actual title? That’s the best they could come up with? Not something like ‘On the 7th Day He Created Anal’, or ‘Moses Parts the Pink Sea’ or ‘Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Neighbor’s Wife Unless Her Husband Joins In’ or even ‘The Ten Cum-Man-Ments”?
I see that you were too cowardly to reply to me directly (I would not have dismissed you) but you make a weird and terrible mistake in misrepresenting that I was talking about her stand-up at all. I didn’t mention her stand up. Not a word. Wish you hadn’t distorted what I said that way, but okay. I was talking about…
He must be a new guy, along with Keane.
“The joke about Leslie Jones pitching a sketch where she just gets to have lots of sex with the Wakandan king is cute...”
It’s tragic how misguided SNL is in thinking “The Californians” is some beloved classic we’re all wanting to see again. Far, far from it.