The Ghost of Faffner Hall

Id like to comment on this article but Im still in the grays/greys.


This made my day.  Please comment on as many articles as possible.

no one is wondering

Biggie, Biggie, Biggie, can’t u see, sometimes they exploit your death for shitty TV

In Australia she looks right side up.

It’s true. “Me and Bobby McGee” was inspired by a rap battle she participated in.

What you don’t see is the guy off screen ready to catch the ping pong balls.

*Hermione kicks the bass drum off the cliff*

If the best “psychic” story they could come up with was that, then I have no qualms about dismissing it.

I mean, hell, I could go to any one of my Caribbean friends and leave with five stories from each just referencing shit their grandmothers predicted with more verve than “they’re in the water”.

It’s all about cold reading and asking leading questions that most people would answer yes to.

Psychic abilities are contradicted by known laws of physics and by every single experiment that bothers to have good controls. If you know of a valid scientific theory that would support psychic claims I would love to hear it.

That is an interesting story, but the simple fact?

The “psychic” simply realized that most murderers are gonna dump bodies in places that won’t be readily found. Bodies of water are usually the most common places to do so (not to mention the effects of the water and the fauna is disguising the time of death/identity of

“they’re in the water” gives a 50/50 chance of the psychic being right. What possibilities are there other than land?

it’s implied.

You are nice and I want you as a friend for fiancial/pet project reasons

I could not agree more. I have not missed Gina one bit this season.

As The Orville is an allegedly progressive and inclusive show, I’m deeply disappointed that McFarlane and his writers fell back on dated and insulting coulrophobic stereotypes in this episode. Most clowns will NOT try to eat you (not even Hobo Clowns). To exhibit irrational fear upon meeting a clown you don’t know is

This is the most flagrant case of false advertixing since my lawsuit agiainst the film ‘The Neverending Story’.