The Ghost of Faffner Hall

That wasn’t an episode. that was an extra feature on the Clerks tenth anniversary DVD. Used the same animation though so it’s an easy thing to mis-remember.

Also Kevin Smith wrote in his first book that she was a bitch too, and it was three separate incidents (although he maintains that she deserved her Oscar).

I’m honestly surprised Chenowith showed enough restraint to wait until the second episode before she started singing.

I prefer to live under the delusion that Under the Dome never actually existed as a TV series and was just some long fever dream I had once.

Unless you happen to have a transcript of said session, you haven’t debunked a thing. Also, if the other things a “psychic” is telling you are minor, it begs the question— why are they telling you minor things? If I’m paying someone 150 bucks an hour to see into my future or talk to my dead family members I’d expect

I have respect for women who don’t assume strangers on the internet have gone around sexually abusing women just because they disagree with them. And I didn’t insult you as soon as you disagreed with me, you can do that all you want (much like the other commenters here who disagreed with me but who were mature enough

Oh so you call me names but I’m not allowed to do the same just because you’re a woman, is that it? I guess I must hate women because I called you a feminazi—by that logic, you called me a freak therefore you must hate men, so I guess I wasn’t far off on the “man-hating” part. Let me clarify: I have respect for women

And you base this on a string of online comments that you happen to disagree with? The fact is you don’t know what kind of person I am at all and you’re in no place to judge me. I have never rubbed my genitals on another woman, for the record, nor have I ever done anything even remotely resembling sexual assault. I

Again, not apologizing OR defending him, just stating what happened. But again, if you’re determined to be offended you will be regardless. So when are you going to be arriving here so you can back up your big talk and say this stuff to my face as you promised? Tomorrow? The next day? Let me know so I can pick you up

Big talker, and clearly you missed the part where I said I wasn’t defending him, yet now I’m apologizing for him. But I guess if you’re determined to be offended by something, you won’t let little things like facts stand in the way of your vitriol.

“Let’s see how you feel/act when some guy rubs his dick on you when you’re filming a reality TV show.”

I’m not about to be judged by someone who calls strangers “gross freaks” from the comfort of their computer.

I mean, it’s inevitable, really.

I mean it’s inevitable, really.

Not that I’m defending Hatch, but calling it “assault” seems a little overboard. As I recall all he did was playfully rub his junk on Sue for a couple of seconds-- disgusting maybe but hardly malicious. And as I further recall, Sue even said something like “Aw Richard, don’t do that,” and more or less brushed it

I’ve always liked the term “heteroflexible” for a situation like this. If one is homosexual or bisexual it basically implies that they can have a relationship, fall in love, get married, etc. with a member of the same sex. Sounds like this guy could never fall in love with another man, but he’s fine with a guy giving

I heard that they’re given the questions and some joke answers, but not the real answers. Mind you that was years ago, probably during the late-80's version hosted by John Davidson, so this version may have changed that.

I don’t know why. It’s a perfectly cromulent word.

I’m the guy who bought both of those albums (although I still maintain that “American Idiot” is really good.)

High school were the best years of my life, hands down. It wasn’t all great— I wasn’t the best student and I suffered from some mental problems which still haunt me— but without going into detail, I found out a lot about who I was and where I wanted to go in life, I found some new passions that I still enjoy, and I