The Ghost of Faffner Hall

My favorite moment from the finale that was completely unexpected: the camera sweeps over the Stars Hollow regulars cheering on Rory and her upcoming adventure, and all of a sudden... there’s Michel! It seemed so out-of-place for him, but it was so perfect: he doesn’t say anything and we never visit him again

Several of the cast members were jumping up and down behind all the guest stars— ostensibly from excitement and joy, but I like to think it’s to remind us that they’re on this show and to get some camera time.

“The Garden of Eatin’ Dick?”

For the record, Schumer’s little girl character was also recurring, as she played the role during her first hosting stint in a town hall sketch.

Director: “Okay, Leslie, now in this sketch when the camera pans to you, all you have to do is look to your left and act disgusted. That’s literally it. Do NOT look directly into the camera, just look to your left. And do NOT laugh, just look disgusted. So to sum up, camera pans to you, look left, act disgusted. Got

Ditto. I like Gardner fine, but while it was going I said out loud, “This is going on forever.” Which is weird because I live alone.

Who has time for that when you have two stars of a comedy that came out 18 years ago and you have to make reference to it in your cold open?

I think that’s just Kenan— he seems to crack up a lot more often than he used to.

Yeah Keaton is great in it and when he gets to cut loose in his four different personas, it’s a lot of fun. When they get into the crap about him bonding with his family, it falls apart— neither he nor McDowell can make it interesting enough for me to care.

“Chadwick Boseman rules over a solid Saturday Night Live.”

Even the audience seemed strangely quiet during that sketch— and they’ll explode like braying morons for just about anything no matter how painfully unfunny it is (see Californians, The. )

I’m convinced 95% of them wouldn’t even ask anyway. The other 5 might just ask if shes being abused.

“ But as a mysterious hand finds Tandy’s dirty diaper balloons in the Mexican desert, LMOE illustrates yet again that danger lurks around every corner...”

No, Bob’s right. Just watched it five minutes ago.

It seems like when a former cast member or multiple-time host returns to the show, the writers hit so many old beats that it becomes predictable. This week I knew before it even aired that Stefon and the Californians would both make appearances, that another former cast member would pop in for a cameo or two (although

Yeah, it’s really one of those recurring sketches that seemed to amuse the cast way more than anyone actually watching it. Of course, if you judge solely on the reactions of the studio audience— who will cheer anything even remotely familiar— it’s the funniest thing ever.

“What exactly is the name of the student living in the school? “Mash-house”? “Mush-house”? “Mouse-house”?”

“(He managed to break up Jones and Brown, briefly.)“

I was actually waiting for “This Week In Gilmore Entitlement,” because Lorelai’s behavior on that convertible/movie date was just... ugh. I have never wanted to strangle her more. You can see from miles away that the smirking Chris has something romantic planned that will probably make her swoon, and yet rather than

His sister AND his godmother.