The Ghost of Faffner Hall

“Kardashians, am I right? This guy gets it.”

The hardest part for the writers will be figuring out how to shoehorn a song for Chenowith to sing into every single episode— I’m pretty sure it’s in her contract for everything she does.

I never even saw one being used outside of TV, but I remember the commercials for it, because they had the strangest collection of celebrities for any ad campaign ever: Burt Reynolds, Paris Hilton, Snoop Dogg, Jeffrey Tambor, Molly Shannon, Big Boi, and a midget. (Not sure if I was supposed to know who the midget was,

Or think to check for his cell phone before they dispose of the body.

This is exactly like all the other “psychic helps solve murder” stories I’ve ever heard— anecdotal, with absolutely no verifiable details.

I’m betting he told you lots of stuff but you only remembered what he was right about and forget the rest. This is how most psychics claim success— their customers want to believe so they count the “hits” and ignore the “misses.”Also telling you what you should and shouldn’t do is hardly what I would call

I remember him doing it once, when he was making fun of Daphne. “Ooh, that reminds me of something me Grammy Moon used to say!” I don’t think it was his real accent— it seemed far too cartoonish for that— but a hint of the real thing probably snuck in.

Yup, in the episode where Ted Danson guest-starred as Sam Malone, Frasier said that they had had a fight so he told them his father was dead.

That would certainly explain why MV got only one line this week but for some reason Rachel Dratch comes back.

I’m not gonna lie, I loved the shit out of that story. Well done!

I absolutely agree. The only thing Gina does for me on this show is remind me that if she were a real person in a real workplace, she would have been fired long ago.

Lettuce. Nobody hates lettuce. Nobody loves it, exactly, but nobody hates it either.

One thing that puzzled me was one of the exchanges in the cold open that went something like this (I’m paraphrasing):

We’ll likely find out for sure during her next Update appearance, like when she injured herself playing a ninja and for some reason had to tell us about it.

I honestly had forgotten she was a character on this show until I read this comment section.

And speaking of recycling decades-old jokes, here’s a “Coming to America” reference!

Yeah, I still remember watching a Deal or No Deal with a very loud and excitable woman whose family cajoled her into giving up her briefcase for something like 250 thousand bucks. She was thrilled with that until they opened her case and found out she had just given up 2 million. She had an expression that could have

Very true, but my point is that they don’t seem to need the “peeing on a stick” part— they just instantly know. Lorelai didn’t even bother to pee on anything— she craved something healthy, therefore she must be pregnant.

Yeah, I really wasn’t looking forward to this episode, because I thought the Halloween heists had gotten stale. The shenanigans were still fun to watch but I thought this one would end the same way the last two did: someone who’s not even entered in the competition pulls off the surprise victory. But those clever

But I’m assuming you must have done something to find out for sure, like a pregnancy test or seeing a doctor, rather than just suddenly coming to the realization of “Oh my god I’m pregnant!”